The Actual Legend of the Princess and the Angel

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Princess Hae Soo was born to the richest kingdom in the continent of Asia. Her father was the emperor of the Korean Peninsula. Therefore her father was highly regarded by the public. The emperor had one motive and that was to protect his dignity no matter what.

Princess Haesoo was the odd one out of her father's many children. However,the king adored her more than anyone else as she was the youngest daughter of his beloved wife and him. She was different from her sisters from her 2 step mothers.

She was skilled in sword fighting as she wanted to learn about it since she was a kid. The king allowed her to learn but there was a condition. She had to obey her stepmothers to be more lady like.

The general public loved her as she was graced with beauty and brains. However,she hated being a princess. When she said she wanted to be a solider, her mother laughed at her and said, "Being a princess means that your job is to connect two kingdoms by marriage."

She often sneaked out to go on adventures. There was one angel that was making sure that she was not caught.

When she got to the age of 16, she was sitting in her chamber. The king came in and asked, "Princess,we must talk."

"Yes,Your Highness."

She got up and bowed to her father.

"You must marry Kim Shin."

Her father said with a smile. Hae Soo's world crashed down with these words.

"Why would you do this, father?"

Haesoo said nearly breaking into tears.

"It's a peace union of our kingdoms that have been fighting each other for too long."

The king spoke with great ambition.

"So you're just selling me off to the people that have no mercy on their subjects?"

Hae Soo broke into tears.

"I won't hear anything about it. I have talked to Queen In Ha. She'll get you ready. You'll meet him tomorrow."

As the king left, Hae Soo dropped to the floor and cried. Her mother came in and hugged her tightly.

"It does not good to dwell on dreams because dreams never come true."

The crowned queen spoke as she rubbed her daughter's back.

The determined princess was now broken. Little did she know that there was someone watching her cry. He was in pain and he knew that it was because of her tears.

Kim Shin, the king of a smaller kingdom,was a middle aged man. Hae Soo detested the idea of the king. He was truly cruel to his subjects. He killed his brothers to make himself the only heir to the kingdom. He killed a lot of people who dared look up in his eyes. He mercilessly killed his wives who couldn't give him a son. He killed his daughters who were just born.

Hae Soo was awakened by Queen In Ha and Princess Hyeri. She thought that it was the most unpleasant way to start a day.

Princess Hyeri was happy that Hae Soo was gone. She hated how Hae Soo was more loved by the king. Queen In Ha was jealous of the crowned Queen as she wanted the position. Queen In Ha wanted her daughter, Princess Hyeri to marry Kim Shin. She would get a lot of attention for the unification of the kingdoms.

Queen In Ha and Princess Hyeri dressed Hae Soo up. As the time went by, King Kim Shin came to visit Hae Soo.

Princess Hae Soo was unusually quiet but still managed to mesmerise the king. The king was slowly getting obsessed with her even if he met her a few hours ago.

Hae Soo, on the other hand, hated every single moment with the king. She wanted to run away from her family as the emperor announced that the wedding was in three days.

As each day passed by, Hae Soo was getting more anxious. She gave in to her anxiety as she jumped from her window to escape. It was too high and she fell on her knees. Her white hanbok was now red in the knees. She had no time so she ran as fast as her limping legs could take her.

She was now in a deep jungle. She sat on the rocks and groaned in pain. There was a blinding light shining on her and she was scared. She saw a long haired man in a white hanbok. His boxy smile was warm and comforting even when she was scared.

"Princess, I'm here to guide you to your path."

The man said while stretching out his hand for Hae Soo.

"Who are you?"

Hae Soo asked.

"I'm your guardian angel, Taehyung.I'm here to guide you to your destiny."

"What proof do you have regarding this?"

Hae Soo asked with confidence.

"Hold my hand and I'll show you."

Hae Soo hesitatingly held Taehyung's hand and said, "So show me."

"I'll show you."

Taehyung transported them to a small hut. Hae Soo was surprised. She pinched herself and she still couldn't believe it.

"Sit down. Let me heal you."

Hae Soo obeyed and sat down. Taehyung went on one knee to touch the princess' knee. With a little touch, the wounds disappeared. Hae Soo asked, "Why are you protecting me?"

"To lead you to your fate. Don't ask about your fate."

Hae Soo nodded. Taehyung got her favourite food from Jimin, another angel. Jimin lightened Hae Soo's mood by joking around.

Taehyung smiled at Hae Soo as she was laughing with Jimin. As Jimin left, Taehyung asked to check on the castle.

Jimin quietly went to the castle to seeing Queen In Ha convincing Princess Hyeri to go in the alter instead of Hae Soo.

"I don't want to marry him."

The princess protested.

"You have to if you want to show that you're better than Hae Soo."

The Queen said blankly.

"Isn't she already an antagonist?"

"But no one would care about you. If you go, you'll be praised by your father."

Hyeri's eyes sparkled at the idea of the king finally recognising his daughter as she said, "Alright, Mother. I'll do it."

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