The First Meeting

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Since the creation of the universe
Everything was destined

Haneul closed the book as she remembered her grandma. She missed her a lot.

"So how did you like the story?"

Soojin asked excitedly.

"It's so good. I remember my grandma telling me this story."


"Yes. But it had a happy ending where the angel only lost his status and lived as a human with the princess."

"It has different versions. Like some people say if it rains on 13th of June,it's the angel crying. People actually believe that it'll be 30th of December when the angel will find this soulmate as the princess died that day."

"You certainly know a lot about this story."

"I mean it's one of my favourite stories. Have you ever seen a female lead this strong?"

"No. But I feel bad for the angel who has to wait for someone to be himself."

"You know what? My mom once said that the princess would be reborn as his soulmate."

"That would be so romantic. Dude, you're getting me too excited for a myth that we don't know if it's true."

"Yes. I'm too much into useless knowledge that I don't even need for my exams."

"Girl, same. I'm an useless encyclopaedia of tv shows, movies and music."

"I guess we're just professional fangirls."

"Yes. If I had a dollar for every time I talked about BTS and V, I would be a billionaire."

"Same but with TXT and Yeonjun."

"Anyway, it's almost time for work."

They both went to work happily only to see someone Haneul hated to see on their way.It  was Taehyung.

Why do I have to see him again?

Haneul thought to herself as she saw the man who was in a suit.

He was just there in a car while waiting for Haneul. But he was with someone now. It was Jin. Even if humans were not supposed to know about the existence of angels, there were some people that knew.

The angels were not bothered about it as nobody believed anyway.

"Jin, please come with me."

"Why can't you tell her yourself?"

"She won't believe me as I don't have powers."

"You're surely a guardian angel."

Jin said sarcastically.

As Taehyung approached Haneul, he saw Soojin. He had to see Haneul alone. He managed to ignore Soojin by saying; "Hey, can you come with me for a while?"

"What? Why?"

"Haneul, who's he?"

"He's the creep that I was talking about."

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