Meeting Jackson

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You got me feeling like a psycho.

"You really miss being an angel."

Jimin stated.

"Yes. I guess."

Taehyung said.

"Do you regret helping Soo?"

Jimin asked.

"Yes in the sense of her not remembering me. No because I've got to meet Haneul. You know I met Soo when I went to the cafe Haneul was working in. She's her boss."

Taehyung's eyes widened as he noticed the irony.

Jimin asked, "What the actual fuck?!"

Taehyung facepalmed as he said, "Oh my god. Is this why Kim Shin is stalking Haneul?"

"Probably. He wants to take revenge on me,right? Why's he after Soo?"

Taehyung asked confused.

"We should seriously talk to Jackson. Sure, where's he now?"

"In Paris. To find a Wandering Soul."

"We should go right now."

"Wait. I have to call Jin."


"I'm not in good terms with him."

He said remembering the memories when Taehyung was still in the cage.

Jackson was assigned to find Kim Shin as he went to Jimin to investigate.

"I seriously don't know anything."

Jimin said frustrated.

"Are you serious?"

"There was too much going on at that moment."

"Why didn't you stop Taehyung? I heard you were with him the whole time."

"I tried to but he didn't listen."

"Ah. Of course,the great and righteous Taehyung would never listen to you."

Jimin was surprised and infuriated by his words. Even if he was mad at Taehyung, that would never allow Jackson to badmouth his closest companion.

"You know, humans are similar to us in many ways. We can feel emotions as they do. Our bodies are built in the same way except for the fact that we could never feel sick and tired. We're immune to physical pain but we are the same mentally. We often get attached to people but we have to obey the fate. So we keep it to ourselves."

"So you're saying that you support Taehyung."

"Yes. I do."

"He created a great disturbance among us."

"I'm trying to say every story has many sides."

"He's just a disgusting disappointment to us."

"I see things differently."

"Fine. I hope he stays in that cage forever. I never liked him anyway."

"Maybe because you were always jealous that he was a more powerful angel."

"Oh please."

Jackson rolled his eyes as Jimin stated a fact.

"I don't know anything about Kim Shin. It's better for you to not come to me."

As Jimin thought back to the past, Jin came in with a loud bang.


Jim yelled at Taehyung and Jimin.


Jin continued as Taehyung's heart sank to the thought of the girl being Hae Soo.

Taehyung immediately ordered, "Take me there."

"Wait. What?"


Taehyung yelled.


Jin and Taehyung held their hands as they appeared in front of the house window.

Hae Soo was covered in bruises and yelled, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU FUCKING MONSTER."

"What did I even do?"

Hoseok asked seriously confused.

"You're fucking kidding me."

Haesoo said through her gritted teeth.

"You beat me up and then you act like you love me. I'm fucking done with you. Now get the fuck out of my house."

Haesoo said in a lower voice.


Hoseok cried out loud.

Haesoo punched his face and pushed him out of the door.

Hoseok fell to his knees and cried as he touched his bleeding lips. Taehyung went back to his home as Hoseok pondered upon what happened. He even thought that he would see a psychologist.

Taehyung groaned as he sat on the bed with his memories of Haesoo hunting him. He looked at the painting that he drew of her.

He did not love her anymore but a first love was always special. He had to go to Jackson so he texted Haneul that he would have to cancel the hangout.

He stood up to appear in a rooftop with a view of the Eiffel Tower. He was welcomed by the afternoon sun and cool breeze. He remembered his time here a few years back.

"Kim Taehyung?"

A familiar voice called his name.

He turned around to see Jackson. He was in a suit while Taehyung was in his Gucci PJs.

"It's been so long since we last met."

Taehyung said remembering the memories of the cage.


Taehyung yelled with tears in his eyes.

"Why did you even do this?"

Jackson asked coldly.

"Hae Soo does not deserve to remembered like that."

Taehyung said with his face filled with frustration.

"It's all up to fate."

"I don't care."

"You're a powerful angel who's loved by everyone but you let everybody down today. You showed your true colours."

"I don't fake myself like you do, Jackson. I know you take bribes from the Wandering Souls to enjoy human life."

Jackson's eyes widened as the bitter truth was spoken. He then held Taehyung's hand and looked for the Rose.

The blue rose was fading away and he smirked as he held the hand to twist it.

That was the first time Taehyung ever felt physical pain. As he remembered the memories, Jackson said, "Look. I'm not sharing any information about Kim Shin."

Taehyung knew that something was off.

"Did I even ask anything about it?"

Taehyung smirked.

"N-no. Jin's asking me about it."

Jackson looked a little pale.

"Why are you so pale?"


"Anyway, back to business, I really need to catch Kim Shin. You know how he's possessing humans. My soulmate's one of the people he's stalking."

"So what? I'm not giving you the information."

"Give it to me."

"I won't let somebody who broke the laws to handle my case."

"Is it that? Are you scared that your secret would be revealed?"

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