The Past

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I wanna be me.

Jimin looked nervous standing in front of Taehyung's house. He ran his fingers through his midnight blue hair. He did not want to see Taehyung ever again after what he did. But he had to see him. He quietly waited for Jin not knowing how he would react to the person he once called his best friend.

Jin came to see an anxious Jimin waiting for him. He was secretly happy that two of his closest friends were together under the same roof after so many years. Jin said, "Let's enter."

They appeared suddenly in front of Haneul and Taehyung. They were smiling widely unless they came in. Taehyung looked at Jimin and became emotional. He tried to hold back tears as Haneul was confused.

"Hey. Can you please go home right now? It's kind of an emergency meeting"

Jimin looked at Haneul with a sad smile.

"Yes, okay."

"I'll take you there."

Jin smiled.

"I have to go to work."

"I'll take you there. Hold my hand."

Haneul obeyed Jin as she held his hand tightly. They both disappeared into thin air, leaving Taehyung and Jimin alone. Both of them were feeling awkward around each other but they were secretly glad to see each other. However, there was a silence that nobody dared to break unless Jin came back.

Taehyung asked, "So why are you here?"

"We need to talk about something."

Jimin said with a blank expression.

"What's it?"

"About Kim Shin."

Jin's words surprised Taehyung.

"W-What did he d-do now?"

"He possessed a human body to beat a girl."

Jimin said.

"Why'd he do that?"

"Nobody knows."

"We just know that the name of the human is Jung Hoseok. That's all we know."

"You know who the girl is?"

"No. We're waiting for Jackson to come back from London."

"He just knows everything about the incident."

Jin interrupted.

"We need your help to find the guy and talk to him."

Jimin said.

"You can disguise yourself as a human being to see him."

Taehyung suggested, not wanting to relive the past again.

"But we won't find Kim Shin by this."

Jin said with despair in his tone.

"We all know Kim Shin is waiting for you to cease to exist. He's looking for you."

Jimin said.

"I did not find her."

Taehyung yelled frustratedly.

"Look, Taehyung, I think that Haneul is the one."

Jin said calmly.

"Then where're my powers?"

Taehyung said, trying to calm himself down.

"Just because I feel attracted to her doesn't mean she's her. For me, it's always her. She's my soulmate."

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