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It's a beautiful life
I'll stand behind you.

The two girls were exhausted from the last day's incident. They were too surprised to talk about it. As Jungkook was babbling about the school football team he was in, they did not pay any attention.

"Are you even paying attention?"

"You were about to score and that's what Min pushed you."

Soojin said absent minded.

"Nope I was asking you to come with me on the next match."

Jungkook said clearly annoyed.

"Sorry, we're just very tired from yesterday."

Soojin apologised.

"What even happened yesterday?"

"Uh...a lot of customers came to the cafe and we were just 3 people working."

Soojin made the perfect excuse.

"Hey, Haneul. Why are you so quiet today?"

Jungkook said as he patted Haneul's back.


Haneul thought hard on what to say.

"She's just too tired."

"Man, you both really need a day of rest."

"I know."

Haneul said thoughtfully. She really needed a break from everything that was going on.

"I'll just go to the common room and rest."

Haneul said sadly.

Joohyun went after Haneul. She wanted to tell her to stay away from Jungkook but she did not come off too desperate. She was desperate to have someone by her side.

Haneul sat alone in the common room and she started to remember what Jin showed her. She was guilty that her father was feeling this way. She felt guilty for all those days she was angry at her dad when he loved her that much. No one was able to make her laugh the way her father did. There was no one to call a best friend forever. Her dad was her best friend while her mom was her parent.

She also thought of her grandma. Nobody could cook like her. She missed coming home to her grandma. She missed her childhood when her grandmother looked after her while her parents were at work. She missed them both. She was also guilty that she did not give her grandma much time.

And that was why she cried every night. The guilt was hunting her every night. She woke up to see wet pillows every morning. This time was the worst.

Joohyun saw her cousin crying and she felt something. Something really sad. She thought that she should leave. Just like that, she left.

"I miss you so much."

Haneul cried quietly.

Jungkook came and hugged her tightly. He knew that she was missing her family.

"Shh...calm down. They wouldn't be happy to see you cry."

He whispered softly.

"They c-c-cared a l-lot about me but I-I was a bitch."

"No you were not."

"I WAS!"

"Look at me, Haneul."

He said pulling away from the hug. He held her hands with both of his hands.

"You're one of the best people I've ever met in my life. You're so caring and funny. Just never put yourself down because you just don't deserve it. You have to love yourself more now because you're all you have for yourself and your mom."

As Jungkook said those words of wisdom, Haneul's mind shifted from guilt to surprise.

She said, "Wow. You're so wise. I never realised how intelligent you are until now."

He gave a bunny smile to her and Soojin was really touched by Jungkook's words. She came along with Jungkook but she stayed in the corner.

After some time with Jungkook and Soojin, Haneul was feeling better. The day came to an end. She saw a black Range Rover while walking with Soojin. The window went down and she saw Taehyung.

He gestured her to come. She did not want to grab any attention. Soojin asked her to go.

"I will get attention if I just get into a car."

"Most of the idiots are too busy snogging."


Haneul went inside the car.


Taehyung smiled shyly.


"Put on the seatbelt."

Haneul was struggling with the seatbelt. Taehyung decided to help by coming too close. That was when someone clicked a picture of them.

They were both unaware of what happened. They went to his house to talk.

Haneul took a look at the living room. It looked more expensive than what she would ever earn in her entire life.

How did he get this house if he was a fallen angel?

Haneul wondered.

Taehyung called Haneul to sit down and eat beef steak. She absolutely adored beef steak . She had a bite and it melted into her mouth.

"I fucking love this."

Taehyung smiled softly at her cuteness but he was uncomfortable with her swearing.

"I have a request for you."

"Yeah. Tell me."

"Can you please not swear in front of me?"

Haneul was surprised at how he said this. She burst into laughter as it was the nicest way she was told not to swear. He was truly an angel.

"Wow. This is the nicest way anyone has told me not to swear."

She giggled softly.

Taehyung was genuinely confused about it. Weren't humans always supposed to be nice to strangers?

"My mom would slap me if she heard me swear."

Haneul laughed.

He smiled as well. This was the strange feeling of happiness he was getting.

"So you're going for work at 4?"

"Yes. But I have to go at Soojin's to change."

"You can change in my guest room."


Haneul was tempted to ask Taehyung about his past. She had too many questions but she did not want to hurt him at all.

He saw her expression and knew that she had questions.

"Ask away. You probably have a lot of questions."

"How did you know?"

"I've been living with human beings for 1300 years."

"You're that old?"

Haneul asked without realising what she had said.

Taehyung was offended but he brushed it off by chuckling, "I look younger than my actual age."

She laughed, "Yes, you surely do, great great great grandpa."

"Yah! You're just jealous that I'm going to be forever young and you're not."


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