Let Go

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I'm ready to let go.

Haneul just did not feel good. She was now on a date with Yoongi but her mind was elsewhere.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Yoongi asked seeing his date like this.

"Huh? I'm okay."

"You don't seem okay."

"I'm okay. Just a bit tired."

"Oh. I believe you."

Yoongi said sarcastically.

"You should."

"Babe,tell me what's wrong. I've seen you like this from the past few days."

"It's nothing wrong."

"You know you should really tell me because I'm worried."

"Why are you worried?"

"Okay this might make you cringe a little. I'm worried that you're not enjoying being with me as much as I'm enjoying being with you."

Yoongi said honestly. Haneul did not know how to react when he said all those words.

"Y-Yoongi, I seriously don't know why you feel like this. But I like you. A lot. It's just that I don't really want to be around anyone nowadays."

"Then I think you should open up about your feelings instead of bottling them up."

Yoongi advised her remembering his time of depression.

"You may not believe me. The situation is really complicated."

Haneul facepalmed herself.

"Try me."

Yoongi said.

"I have a best friend. We met through unexpected circumstances."

"Okay. And?"

"He came at the worst moment of my life. He was someone who made me a little happier. Now he's gone forever. I can never see him again."

Yoongi felt bad as he assumed that the person was dead.

"You know he's gone but nothing lasts forever. You should move on from him. It'll take time but you'll move on. Why did you not tell me about it?"

"I just couldn't get myself to talk about it. Nothing really lasts forever."

"Yes. You up for a story?"

"Yeah. I need to distract myself."

"You know I used to be a trainee despite my family's opposition.But those dreams broke as the entertainment company shut down. I could not look my family in the eyes for a few months. I was slowly slipping into depression. My piano was my only comfort and I used to play it everyday. One day I saw my mom throwing that away."

Yoongi paused for a moment as he remembered the painful memories.

"Why would she throw it away?"

"Because I was failing school. I was stuck in the same grade for 2 years. I'm actually 3 years older than you."

"You don't look like it."

Haneul smiled softly.

"I know. But anyway, I became more upset. That's when I met Mina. She was the brightest person I've ever seen. It annoyed me a lot at first. But I found myself dating her later. She helped me out of the pain. She passed away because of cancer but she told me not to hang on to the painful days. So I'm trying my best to not hang on to those days. For her."


"So you should know that those who left you would like you to move on as nothing last forever."

"I didn't know that you were the person I needed to talk to but seriously thank you for this advice."

"You should be thankful. I don't share this story with anyone."

"But that's because you like me."

Haneul smiled cheekily. Yoongi blushed furiously.

"Yah! Stop blushing."

"I'm not blushing."

"You're red like a tomato."

"Shut up."

"Okay, Little Meow Meow."

"Why am I a cat?"

"You look like a cat. You act like a cat. You're a cat."

"I'm not a cat."

"Doesn't help because you are a cat."

"Dogs are cuter."

"You know there are cats that are friends with dogs."

"I hate you."

"And I love you."

Haneul laughed, making Yoongi smile a little bit.

They planned on when they would meet next.

Haneul waited in the bus station. She felt sad as she thought of Taehyung. She saw an ice cream truck and the memories rushed to her head.

"Taehyung, can you buy me an ice cream?"

Haneul asked knowing that he would say yes.

"Nope. It's chilly and you'll catch a cold."

Taehyung said firmly.

"Geez, you're no fun. Namjoon would buy me anything I wanted."

"You should be going to Namjoon then."

"Please, Taetae. Just once. There're rats running in my tummy."

Haneul tried to act cute but Taehyung pretended to cringe. He was melting on the inside.

"Okay. But you should really stop acting cute."


Haneul yelled crazily in the middle of the street.

Taehyung grabbed her mouth and said, "You're embarrassing me."

Haneul smiled fondly at the memory.

Meanwhile Joohyun was at the park. She hoped to see Jungkook there. Even if she saw Jungkook, she did not go to him. She did not want to seem desperate. So she left without an attempt.

She thought of Haneul as she got into her car. She envied her so bad that she could do anything to separate Jungkook and Haneul.

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