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Take my hands now,  You're the cause of my euphoria.

Taehyung was taken aback by the words as he began to feel a hint of euphoria.

"You know it's unpredictable what's going to happen to me."

Taehyung smiled softly.

"I can just go back to where I came from. I can cease to exist. I can be reborn as a human."

Taehyung explained.

"Is rebirth a thing?"

Haneul asked surprised.


"Then my grandma and dad are happier in their next lives."

"They'll be."

"What happens to Special Cases?"

"What do you mean?"

Taehyung asked alerted.

"I know I'm a Special Case. I saw it when Jin showed me your meeting with my dad."


"No need to scold him though."

"I did not want you to know that."

"You know what I believe now?"


"I can create my fate. Maybe I already have."


"You know you made me believe in stuff I did not believe in. You and I met through destiny. You have found me because of the band."

"Yeah. That's right."

"Were you the only angel that fell in love with someone?"

"Nope. I was the first to take an action."

"Angels fall in love with humans?"

"Rarely but they do."


"I know. There was Somi who fell in love with a human."

"What did she do?"

"Nothing. She just watches and guide that person the right way."


"You wanna know a secret?"


"Jin fell in love with a human and he watched over her since 100 years."


"And do you want to know who it is?"


"How did you know?"

"You wouldn't say if it was someone I didn't know. And he asked me to help Joohyun."

"Wow,you're too smart."

"And pretty. I know."

"I didn't say you're pretty."

"If I'm not pretty, why would you love me?"

"I'm not a shallow person."


"But you do what Jin told you. I can't see him sad."


Haneul thought of a plan.

"Why are you thinking of it now?You should pay attention to me."

Taehyung pointed his finger to himself cutely.

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