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We're totally different,baby
Because we're the two who found our destiny.

I don't know what I'm going to do when I see her. All I know is that I have to see her.

Taehyung thought to himself.

According to the routine, Haneul would take a bus at 8:30pm after work. Taehyung had to go there by 8:25pm.

Taehyung saw Haneul for the very first time as she sat across him. He didn't know that it was her. He just felt something towards her. He got attracted to her by this strong pull. He tried to see her future but there was no future.

That's Kim Haneul.

He thought excitedly.

His eyes were on her as he got on the bus.

"Where are you heading to?"

The bus driver asked.

"Uh..BT21 street."

"Okay, give $10."


Taehyung took out his wallet and gave $10.

As he walked to Haneul, he saw an empty seat next to her. He took the chance but he was visibly uncomfortable with everything. He never traveled in a bus in his 1300 years of existence. He hated the atmosphere with human beings.

He was so awkward that he kept his eyes on Haneul throughout the whole ride.

What a creep.

Haneul thought to herself as Taehyung was trying to figure out how to talk to her.

Taehyung was confused what to think of Haneul. She was a special case for sure but he could sense him feeling drawn to her. He wanted to help her now.

Haneul got off the bus as quickly as possible. She thought of Taehyung as a potential danger.

Taehyung also thought that she was dangerous. As he looked for Haneul, he immediately stopped after realising that he had felt like this before. And it was so wrong.

He tried not to think of Haneul too much and called an Uber to get home. During the ride, he got this shooting pain again.

He didn't know why. He knew that Haneul was his answer.

Taehyung thought about Haneul. How her features were so delicate,eyes so sparkly and lips so kissable.

What did I even think? She's too young.

He scolded himself.

That was weird. Guess what? I'll have to wait for more days to see her again.

He thought again.

Soojin was waiting for Haneul at the canteen and that was when she saw a new guy. He was pretty cute. He was wearing a black hoodie and blue ripped jeans. His round glasses made him cuter.

He came with Haneul following him.

"New York changed you, Jeon."

Haneul smiled at the boy.

She then introduced him to Soojin.

Those three sat together.

"So you're diaper buddies?"

"Yes. Until he moved to New York 3 years ago."

"We kinda lost contact after that but here we are now."

Jungkook chuckled shyly. He was really getting comfortable with Soojin and he was not the type to be comfortable with strangers. He was happy to see Haneul again.

Hyeri came up to them and said, "Look who's here? it's JK."

"Hi, Hyeri."

Jungkook said uncomfortably. He did not liked Hyeri even before knowing what she did to Haneul.

"Come on, sit with us."

"No, I'm perfectly okay here."

"They're losers anyway. You can sit with us if you want."

"Even if we're losers, we're not fake like you, bitch."

Joohyun came into the scene. She said, "Hyeri just stated a fact."

"You're really enjoying having those fake friends. Good for you,buddy. I don't want anything to do with you or them anymore."

Haneul said before going to the washroom. She cried hard in front of the mirror and whispered, "Why do I have to go through this?"

Soojin came in running. She said, "Just don't give a single fuck to them. That'll help."

"I thought that she was a sister even if we fought all the time. And she's doing this to me. Hyeri doesn't hurt me much anymore because I saw the red flags and I ignored it. She was always a fake bitch. But Joohyun hurt me because I thought of her as a family member."

Soojin said, "Shh..you can't cry now because they'll feel accomplished."

They went out of the bathroom to see a very worried Jungkook. He immediately hugged Haneul as he saw her. He asked, "Are you okay?"

"Jungkook, you're crushing me."

Jungkook giggled while hugging Haneul more tightly, "Good. You should be crushed."

They let go and Haneul hit his arm while saying,  "Don't you know how much I hate hugs?"

"Yes. That's why I did it."

Soojin was amused by their conversation and asked, "Does Haneul actually hate hugs?"

"Yes. She pretends to like it when she low-key hates it."

"That was actually a secret only my dad and Jungkook knew."

Haneul became vulnerable when she uttered those words. She almost had tears in her eyes as the memories of her two beloved family members rushed back. Soojin realised that Haneul was missing her dad and grandma.

She looked at Jungkook and he immediately understood what she meant. He said, "Show me around. I want to know more about this school."

They left the place without Joohyun who was there all the time. She saw how Jungkook hugged Haneul. She hated how they were still so close even if Joohyun and Jungkook were neighbours in the past.

She had a huge crush on Jungkook since they were only 9. She was forced to get over him when he moved to New York. She envied Haneul for being this close to Jungkook. Haneul didn't see Jungkook everyday. They just met once in a while with their parents. Little did she know that they also talked on phones everyday for countless hours and that was the only reason behind their close friendship.

Speculations spread out about these two dating making Joohyun more mad. But Haneul didn't know what was going on anyway. She met Taehyung at the café again. He couldn't talk to her at all. She was very busy with the other customers. But she noticed how Taehyung looked at her.

How fucking creepy can he get?

She thought to herself.

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