The Legend

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The time of fate is passing slowly
My heart was heading towards you

Haneul just ignored the suspicious thoughts of Taehyung.

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

She told herself.

Taehyung left being unsuccessful in talking to Haneul.

I have to come here again.

Taehyung told no one but himself.

In the following night, Haneul was going by bus. Taehyung was also on the bus. She saw him but ignored him. She took a seat next to a random woman. Taehyung stood next to Haneul.

An elderly woman had to stand during the ride. Haneul could see how she was struggling. She offered her seat to the woman. She stood up next to Taehyung.

Their eyes met and Haneul looked away. But Taehyung kept looking at her. When the bus came to a stop, Haneul lost her balance and fell. Taehyung came back to Earth and helped her to get up.


Haneul said while running away from Taehyung.

She sat on an empty seat. Taehyung came up to her and sat on the next seat.

Haneul was convinced that he was a stalker.

"Excuse me. What's your problem?"


Taehyung was surprised by her reaction.

"I saw you staring at me yesterday. I saw you in my workplace today. You're staring at me now. What the fuck is your problem?"


Taehyung mentally slapped himself for being so obvious.

"Everything's happening as a coincidence. Believe me, I was quite surprised to see you at the cafe."

"Well I don't believe you. Why do you even go to that area?"

"What do you mean by "why"?"

Taehyung was stuck.

"Why do you even go to my area with a bus when you clearly have money?"

"How do you know?"

"It's clear that you are wearing a Gucci watch. Your slippers are also Gucci. No commoner can really afford it unless they're given it as a gift."


She's pretty smart. What am I supposed to say now?

Taehyung thought hard.

"I don't want to know why you come here by bus. I just want you to know that I'm uncomfortable when you stare at me like this."

Taehyung was utterly speechless.

Was it too obvious?

Taehyung asked himself.

The next stop came and Haneul left, leaving Taehyung alone. He went home with the next bus.

He needed a good reason to be with Haneul. He could not just go and tell her that he was a fallen angel that promised her dad to protect her.

That would be absurd and he had no proof of being an angel.

The next day came and Haneul decided to skip doing her homework at Soojin's place. Instead she went through Soojin's books. Soojin's book collection was filled with unusual books. One title that caught her eyes was "The lesser known fairytales."

That reminded her of her grandma who told her all those unusual fairytales when she was off to sleep.

"You picked this book,huh?"

Soojin came back after taking a shower.

"Yeah. Do you recommend any stories?"

"Read the Legend of the Princess and the Angel."

"Is it good?"

"Depends on your taste. Knowing that you have good taste, you may like it."


Haneul turned to the page which had the title:

The Legend of The Princess and The Angel.

Haneul thought that the title sounded familiar.

Once upon a time, there lived a princess. She was known for her beauty. She was so gorgeous that she stood out wherever she went. Even with an ordinary hanbok, her beautiful eyes sparkled.

She was born in a perfectly happy family and she had nothing to worry about. However, the king wanted his princess to be strong and independent. She was an ace in archery as the king forced her to learn it.

She often went hunting. She was  a warrior and that separated her from other princesses. One day, she went to visit her uncle's kingdom with her mother. Everything was going fine until she received a letter from the general of her kingdom. He asked her to come back to the castle to fight against the other kingdom who tried to invade her kingdom.

She rushed to her kingdom without telling anyone. She only had her horse with her in the dark forest. She found a bear that was about to attack her. There,she met an angel. He was the epitome of beauty,wearing all white. He snapped his fingers and the bear had stopped in mid jump. The princess was now scared.

"Who are you?" The princess asked scared.

"I'm just trying to help you,Princess."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm your guardian angel and I'm here to protect you."

The princess was baffled by this. Did angels actually exist?

"Trust me,princess. I can help you."

That's how a friendship was formed. The princess was slowly falling for the angel in the middle of the war. He was her comfort. The angel felt the same way but it was so wrong. He could never love a human being. He was an angel that helped human beings in need and guided them to their fate.

Love had blossomed already. It was too late for him to guide her to her fate. Fate already did its job. The princess got an arrow in her chest and the angel broke the rules of the universe by curing her.

Her time had come and he meddled with fate. They had to face a severe consequence for his actions. The princess continued to live on but she could never see her love again.

The angel was kept in a cage until the day of his love died. When the now Queen left the Earth, there was a lightning. The wind opened the cage and the dust went into the eyes of the angel.

The angel was surprised that he could feel physical pain. Angels were not supposed to feel that. The angel got out to see the dead body of his princess. He cried so hard that it seemed that his tears were the cause of the raindrops.

The sky was being written on by the lightening;

"You'll continue to exist as a human being unless you find your soulmate."

That's how the angel was forced to live his life as an immortal human being.

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