The Final Battle

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If that is not possible,
Become a most painful scar for me
If it reminds me of you
I will gladly embrace the pain
Will you do that for me?

"Tae, where's the band?"

Jin asked surprised.

Taehyung looked at his hand feeling weak.

"It's gone."

Jimin exclaimed utterly baffled by the situation.

Taehyung felt so weak that he could not move his hand. His head was spinning and throbbing. But somehow he felt good as his pain was soon going to be over.

He slowly turned his hand to see a sword instead of the band. He slightly touched it and got a vision of the moment he helped Haesoo to change her fate. It was the sword by which Haesoo killed Kim Shin.

His eyes were filled with tears as he looked at Haneul after that.

"I'm sorry."

Taehyung cried as he caressed her cheeks.

"Why? What happened, Taehyung?"

Haneul asked holding his hand.

"I cannot stay with you forever."

Taehyung said as his voice cracked.

"Shut up. We'll be together till the very end."

Haneul said feeling devastated at the thought of being away from Taehyung.

"Maybe,one day, we can be together as normal people. Not bounded by this stupid fate."

Taehyung cried while Haneul hugged him tightly.

"I love you, Kim Taehyung. Don't you dare tell me this rubbish. You were the one to say that it was unpredictable what was going to happen."

Haneul said with tears threatening to fall.

Jin and Jimin started to sob loudly.

"Why are you guys crying?"

Taehyung asked crying.

"Because I don't want you to leave."

Jimin cried.

"You're my best friend."

Jimin said hugging Taehyung tightly.

Jin also joined them. The four of them were a mess while Jungkook tried to track Soojin after seeing all of them hugging.

"Haneul,I have tracked Soojin's phone."

Jungkook stated softly.

"Where's it?"

Haneul asked as everyone pulled away from the hug.

"At the New City hospital."

Jungkook said looking at the phone.

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