First time.

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We were practicing but i suddenly made jungkook trip but it was an accident.


"Wth Tae!? Why did u do that!? " Jin-hyung said.

"I-i didn't mean it hyung, it was an accident!" I said.

"What do u mean accident!? I saw u smirked after u tripped kookie! U liar!" Jimin said and i saw him smirk a little.

"What do you me-" before i could finish i felt someone kicked me.

It was Kookie.


"Sorry! It was an accident! I didn't mean it pls! " I said.

Then all the members kept beating me up.

I was a crying mess. My whole body was hurting and i wanted it to stop. I wish i hadn't joined this group was all i was thinking but then i felt a kick in my head and i passed out.


I woke up in the practice room with blood all over my body, sore eyes, and my body was hurting so much. I tried to stand up but failed then i cried because when i moved my whole body and it hurts like hell.

A few minutes later i somehow got up and slowly walked towards the dorms and went straight to my room.

I don't think they heard me. They are probably asleep right now.

I went to the bathroom and closed the door and went inside the shower.

I turned on the water and hissed in pain when the water touched my bruises.



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