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"I need 1500 people trained for a week and order 2000 different guns and 500 different types of knives. Im Expecting that to be done for a week and bring it to the base." Taehyung said.

"Oh and get the car's ready for escape and the escape routes ." Tae added.

The assistant nodded and got to work.

But..someone heard Tae.

Tae  went to grab lunch and jungkook went to Tae's office and searched for something.

After a few minutes he found it and took a picture of it.

Then he went to Yoongi's office and knocked.

"Enter" Yoongi said.

Then jungkook entered.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi said.

"Hyung,look at this!" Jungkook said and showed yoongi the picture.

Yoongi was surprised.

"He's planning to raid the most wanted assassin in the world!? Why didn't he tell us!?" Yoongi said.

"Maybe he would tell us sooner or later we just have to wait.," Jungkook said.

"I guess, but i need to tell this to the others." Yoongi said.

After they told the others they decided to confront Tae once they got home but Tae stayed in the office for the night.

The next day.

They all went to Tae's office and knocked.

"Come in" Tae said.

They all went in.

"Do you guys need anything?" Tae asked.

"Yes, we need an explanation." Namjoon said.

"Explanation for what?" Tae asked confused.

Then Namjoon showed Tae the file and Tae was shocked.

"H-how did you guys found out!?" Tae said.

"Jungkook heard you talking to your assistant." Jin said.

Tae sighed defeated.

"Fine,yes, i was planning to kill him because he killed my parents just to have me! " Tae said.

"Who is this person Tae?" Yoongi asked.

"H-he was...once my best friend. My parents and his parents are close so we became best friends since elementary...but when i was 9th grade  we needed to move out because my dad had business in Seoul and he entered me in a prestigious school in Seoul and we never saw each other again. He swore that he would marry me when we were in highschool but i didn't think he was serious about it." Tae said.

They all comforted Tae.

"We want to help you" They all said.

"But- i don't want to put you in danger!" Tae said.

"We can't lose you either Tae!" Jimin said.

"F-fine..but you guys need to train. We have a week left so you guys still have a lot of time." Tae said.


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