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Tae's POV.

I've been working for the past 2 months, and i've been getting severe headaches.

In this 2 months, i would rarely go home.

Jin's POV.

We are all worried about Tae, because he's been overworking himself, he would only go home to sleep or check up on us.

I hope he can have a break because we will start practicing next month.

I went down to the kitchen and heard the front door open.

It was Tae.

I saw Tae went towards his office. He is probably gonna work again so i went back to the kitchen and cooked soup.

I cooked Miyeok Guk (Beef Seaweed Soup).

After i cooked it i carefully walked to Tae's office and knocked.

knock knock.

No one answered and i just opened the door.

I saw Tae sleeping with his head on the table.

I peaked at Tae's files and he was planning an event and then i looked at Tae's laptop screen and he was answering emails.

I turned off the laptop and organized his papers and files and piled it up in the corner of his table.

I woke Tae up.

"Tae-Tae, wake up.." I said.

"Hmm..?" He mumbled.

"Tae you should eat first." I said.

"Oh, hyung..um thanks." He said and smiled at me.

"Oh, also i organized your files and papers there." I said pointing at it.

"Oh, thank you hyung." He said.

"And..after you eat shower and don't overwork yourself. We are getting worried about you Tae...if you get sick i will kick your ass." I said.

He chuckled and nodded.

I walked to the door and looked at him one last time and went out.

Tae's POV.

When jin hyung got out of my room i sighed and rubbed my temples.

I ate my soup and then took a shower.

I then just put on my boxers and some short without a shirt and just laid down my bed.

My headaches have been getting worse so i guess i should take a day off.

Then i slept.


My baby is sick, go in his room and treat him. If he doesn't get well by Monday i will kill you.



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