Day 3 pt.2

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Tae's POV.

After we ate we went to a park.

The park was really pretty. It had so much flowers. I sighed and admired the flowers while sitting on a park bench when suddenly someone sat next to me.

It was Namjoonie hyung.

"It's beautiful...but not as beautiful as you" Namjoon said.

I was a bit flustered.

" Yahhh! Stop being cheesy!" I said.

"It's true, petal" Namjoon said.

"Aishh, why does everyone give me a nickname" I said.

"Because your perfect" Namjoon said.

I blushed a bright pink.

"Aww,your so cute! your blushing!" Namjoon said.

I just walked out flustered and rushed to the others.

(Namjoon smirked and followed Tae to the others as well.)

Third POV.
After they're finished taking pictures they went to an amusement park.

Hoseok went to buy 7 amusement park tickets.

Tae was planning to go in groups but they didn't want to leave Tae's side so they just ended up going altogether.

They rode the rollercoaster first.

In the drop of the rollercoaster Tae was scared and clinged onto Hoseok's arm.

"Sunshine, don't be scared" Hoseok said.

Tae didn't mind the nickname because he was too scared.

After the rollercoaster Tae saw a cotton candy stand and he bought a cotton candy.

Yoongi bought Tae water so Tae could drink water once Tae finished his cotton candy.

"Here, love, drink some water" Yoongi said.

"What is up with all the nicknames!?" Tae said a bit flustered.

"Because your perfect" They all said.

Then Tae blushed madly.

"Yah! Stop making me blush! " Tae said.

"Let's go home now, it's already getting dark and its an hour ride" Namjoon said.

"Hop on my back Angel" Jimin said.

"Yah! Jimin-ssi! How dare you steal my nickname for Tae" Jin said.

"Sucks to be you i guess" Jimin said.

Then jimin piggy backed Tae to the limo.

They all went inside.

Tae rested his head on jimin's shoulders while hugging his arm.

"Sleep,Angel" Jimin said and Tae closed his eyes.

Then Tae fell asleep and Jimin kissed his forehead.

Everyone glared at Jimin and Jimin just smirked at them.

After an hour they arrived.

Jimin carried Tae to his room.

Then Jimin cuddled Tae and he fell asleep.

Sweet Night🍯🌙


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