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Tae's POV.

I called my assistant, Now that i am CEO, I can decide for the company.

And I want my Members to be CEO so if i die...they can still live a good life.

I did some research and now i know on who killed my parents.

I hope he can control his hormones because im gonna fucking kill him.

"Young Master? You called?" My assistant said.

"Yes, uhm..i need you to arrange a Conference." I said.

"Why a Conference Young Master?" My assistant said.

"I'm...gonna make my members CEO as well." I said.

"Y-young master...what if they take advantage of this!?" My assistant said.

"Are you doubting my decision!? And how dare you say that to them!" I said.

"S-sorry Young Master..I-i'll take my leave." My assistant.

I sighed and went to my laptop and checked all my emails.

I only accepted the important stuff and just ignored the rest.

I wanted to go home but there's still alot to do.

So i quickly finished my work and went home.

When i got home i told the maids to get my members because i need to tell them something.

I went to my room to changed into a white shirt and black sweatpants.

Then i walked over to my office to see my members are already there.

"Taehyung-ssi! We were so worried about you! You didn't say that you went to the company! " Jin hyung said.

"Sorry Jin-hyung. I thought you guys were busy so i just didn't ask." I said.

"We always have time for you Taehyung-ssi." Namjoon said.

"I have something really,really important to ask you.." I said.

"What is it?" Yoongi said.

" you guys want to be CEO of the Kim Corporation? We can still be idols..nothing's gonna change in that.." I said.

"Y-you mean like- Managing the company!? All 7 of us!?" Hoseok said.

"Y-yes..because i really don't want to be alone.." I said.

"You should think wisely angel, It's not our decision to make, it's yours because it's your Company. We would gladly accept if you trust us with managing The Most Successful Company in the World."

"I trust you guys, you guys are my only family left..And i want to give you this position. If you mess up, it's my responsibility to teach you and fix the problem." I said.

"Alright, then we accept." They all said.

I kissed all of them on the cheek.

I saw them all blush and i giggled.

"Well, The Conference is in 2 days so u better be ready" I said.


2 days later.

Third POV.

The Conference is today and the members are getting ready.

They were all super nervous (except taehyung) because they are gonna be CEO's of the Most Successful Company in the World.

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