Calling who?

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Some time ago.

Its been a few days now and i can get out of the hospital now, the doctor said just eat regularly and don't skip any meals.

I am now at the front of our dorms and opened the door.

Im walking to my room until someone grabbed me and punched me hardly.

"YOU BITCH! How dare you snitch on us Huh!?" He punched me again.

He beat me up. And i passed out on the hallway, full of blood, bruises and cuts. Thank god they don't know about my cuts because i told the doctor not to tell them .

I woke up in my room, with blood and bruises on my body. I slowly moved to the bathroom and showered.

I hissed.

After my shower i just put on my boxers and sweatpants. I didn't want to put on a shirt.

i went to the sink and cut myself.

This is for being useless.



Waste of air.


5 new Cuts.

I was satisfied with my work and watched blood drip off my wrists.

I then remembered...

I should call him.

They need to pay for this.

I don't care anymore..


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