Comeback Practice.

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So welcome to another update-

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So welcome to another update-

Pls support Sweet Night OST 🍯🌙


2 days later.

Third POV.

It was now the first day of practicing for our comeback.

Me,Jiminie,Kookie, and Jinnie (The Vocal Line) are practicing our vocals while Namjoonie,Suga hyung, and Hoseokie (Rap Line) are practicing their rap.

It's already 2 days until our world tour so we are practicing.

This is the last day of practice because tomorrow is rest day.

After practice.

It was already 11:37 when we finished and we were all so tired so we quickly showered and changed into pajamas.

Then we went to sleep.


Tae's POV.

I woke up and went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

Then i picked comfortable clothes in my closet and wore them.

I brushed my hair and then went downstairs.

I was surprised when jinnie hyung wasn't cooking. I guess he's still sleeping or tired. I mean, i don't blame still pretty sleepy.

I didn't want to eat so i went to jinnie hyung's bedroom upstairs.

When i was in front of the door i went inside and saw jinnie hyung still sleeping.

I went to his bed and cuddled with him.

Jin's POV.

I woke up feeling something hugging me. I checked and it was Angel. I hold his waist and made him come closer to me.

Then i kissed his forehead and went back to sleep.

after 2 hours.

I woke up seeing Angel in front of my face. I wish i could always wake up seeing Angel's face everytime i wake up.

I stood up and changed into a hoodie and went downstairs to cook breakfast.

I cooked a healthy breakfast because this bitches need something healthy in their lives for once.

Panchan or banchan (assorted, small dishes of food with rice)

Galbi tang (beef rib stew)

Then i went upstairs again to wake up my angel.



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