Day 1 pt.1

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Tae's POV.

We landed already and we're going out the plane now.

Once we got out we walked inside the airport.

The members said they're hungry so im gonna book us a restaurant before we go to the rented house.

"Hyung~~~Can we pls buy Candies?"Jungkook said.

"Hmm,Sure." I said and Hoseok and Jungkook ran to the Candy Store.

I chuckled at their sillyness.

"We're gonna eat first before we go to the rented house, i booked us a restaurant." I said.

"Oh,and speaking of the rented you know how we could get there Jin-hyung?" I added.

"Yep, i know the direction, but can we pls go shopping? Pretty please~" Jin said.

"Alright, anything for you guys" I softly smiled.

"Yay!Thx Angel! Jin said.

"A-angel?," I blushed a little.

"Oh,yeah! That's my nickname for you, Angel~" Jin said.

I looked away a bit flustered.

Then Hoseok and Jungkook came back with 2 medium bags of Candies.

"Don't get Cavities, and drink lots of water" Namjoon said.

"We won't! but we saw banana milk and i might've bought 2 boxes of it getting delivered to the house" Jungkook said.

"That's fine, but we gotta go now" I said.

"Yay! Thanks Hyung~" Jungkook said and hugged me.

Then we went outside the airport and got in the limo.

I told my driver to go to the booked restaurant.

After a few minutes we arrived.

I walked over to the receptionist.

She..looks like a TOTAL slut...

"Hello Sir~What would you like~" She said while licking her lips.

I fake coughed and said-

"Reservation for Kim Taehyung pls" I said and she looked kinda scared but she's still trying to seduce me.

I guess she knows me..she's a gold digger, a whore, and a bitch. This girl is just disgusting.

"I want you...-

"TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE" I said angrily.

She was shocked and ran for her life.

The members looked at me and also the other people.

I heard the other people say-

"Who is he?" "How dare he do that"
"Who does he think he is"

Then the manager rushed over to me.

"Im sorry Young Master Kim Taehyung I'll fire her! Just pls don't destroy this place" The manager said.

The other people was shocked on who it was and just shut their mouth and minded their own fucking business.

"Fine, Don't hire any fucking slut any more! This place is disgusting! I won't eat here anymore! " I said and threw a $80,000 check to the guy even though we didn't eat.

"We are getting out of this disgusting place" I said.

"Even the name is lame, Le Buffet" Yoongi said.

We went on the car and i said to go to the mall.

After a few minutes we arrived.

"I'll stay here in the car, you guys buy your stuff and get snacks if your hungry, i'll just cook for you guys when we arrived home" I said.

"Okay, we'll go now!" They said.

After they left i opened my phone and called the owner of this mall.

"Who is this?" The He said.

"This is Kim Taehyung" I said.

"Y-young master, do you need anything?" The He said.

"Do you know my members?" I said.

"Yes of course" He said.

"If they give their black card don't swipe it just pretend to take money from it. I'll give you $2,000,000 later." I said.

"Y-yes, Young Master." He said.

I hanged up.

I then opened my laptop to check emails or business that i can do in Chicago.

I accepted a Yves Saint Laurent and a Gucci photoshoot.



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