Did they..?

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"Yahhh! Taehyung! No way! We totally don't deserve this! why are you being so nice to us!" Jin hyung said.

"Because you guys are my family!" I said.

"But we didn't treat you like family before!" They said.

"But you guys changed...right? and that's all that matters." I said.


Tae's POV.

I was busy working for a week so i haven't seen the guys at all.

I'm already done my work so i can have 2 days off and i can spend time with the guys.

Our practice for the new comeback will start in a month or so...

I went down to the ground floor of the Kim Corporation and i walked towards my car.

I got in my car and drove over to the mansion.

When i arrived there was no one, only the maids cleaning.

I guess they're in there rooms..?

I checked all their rooms and they weren't there..

I guess they went out.

I went downstairs and asked a maid.

"Where are they?" I said.

"Young Master, They said they went out for dinner." The maid said.

I nodded and went straight to my bedroom.

I twisted the door knob and was surprised that my room was unlocked..

I only gave my members my spare keys..

I went inside and saw Jiminie's and Kookie's Clothes..

I guess they watched Netflix and slept at my bed..

I peaked at my bed and it was messy so i guess i was right.

I called a maid and told her to clean my room.

I then went downstairs to the sofa and typed in my computer..

I can still do some work so i won't have to do anything for week..

I worked until i felt sleepy..

Why aren't they back yet..?

I guess i can go shower for now..

I went upstairs and showered.

After i showered i wore pajamas.

I then laid on my bed and thought.

'Where could they be?' I then felt myself drooping off to sleep.

I woke up when i heard my door open.

It was Jiminie and Kookie. They looked shock when they saw me. They ran and jumped into my bed.

"Hyung!" Kookie shouted and jumped to Taehyung's bed and hugged him.

Jimin jumped into Tae's bed as well and hugged him.

I rubbed my eyes and said.

"Do you guys wanna sleep here?" I said.

"Can we!?" Kookie and Jiminie said looking excited.

"Mhmm.." I nodded.

"But! First you need to change into pajamas." I added.

They nodded and went to change.

After a few minutes they went out of the bathroom and came to the bed and hugged Tae and went to sleep.


Happy Ending..? Or is it?

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