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Tae's POV.

After my shot got treated i went to their rooms to check up on them.

Hobi hyung is alone in a room.

Jin hyung  and namjoon hyung is rooming together.

Jimin and Suga hyung are together as well.

That leaves Jk sleeping in my room.

Hobi hyung's room.

Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung's room

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Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung's room.

Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung's room

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Jimin and Suga hyung's.

Jimin and Suga hyung's

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My room and Jk.

My original room

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My original room.

Jk wanted to sleep with me because he was scared

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Jk wanted to sleep with me because he was scared.

I guess it's fine as long as he's not trying to hurt me.

I got in to Hobi-hyung's room and he was already sleeping. He was wearing a face mask and his lights and laptop still open. I guess he was watching dance videos. I better show him the dance studio when i get the chance.

I slowly walked over to him and gently got his face mask off and threw it in a trash can. Then  I turned off his laptop . Then i gently kissed his forehead. I don't know why i did that but...whatever. It was an accident. I went over to the light switch and turned it off and went outside and closed the door.

After that i went to Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung's bedroom.

They were asleep as well. They were hugging each other...cute. Ugh, what is happening to me...There light is still on so i turned it off and went to the next room.

I went to Jimin and Suga hyung's bedroom. Suga hyung is still awake.

"Suga hyung, why are you still awake?" I said.

"I want to ask you the same thing." He said.

"I just finished my work" I said.

"Im just in the internet, i can't sleep" He said.

"Why?" I said.

"Im scared" He said.

"What if they know where we are?" He said.

" They can't get you here Suga hyung, we have a 1300 soldiers ready if they attack, even if they get here, i wont let them hurt you guys." I said.

" Why are you doing this? We were so mean to you!I-i did things to you! " He said tears rolling down his face.

"You guys are family to me, now go to sleep we have a long day tomorrow." I said while wiping his tears.

He nodded and i tucked him in the blanket.

I waited for about a few minutes when i heard little snores.

Little did they know....'He' was awake listening to their conversation.

After that i went to mine and Kookie's room.

He was so cute. I wish we could've just been like this. No abusing....

I turned off the second light so  it will be a bit dark.

I went to my laptop again and answered some important emails.

After a few minutes i heard kookie wake up.

"Why aren't you asleep?" He said.

"Im just answering some emails. You get some rest, you need it." I said

I got no response. After a few seconds someone closed my laptop.

" Go sleep " He said.

"Fine.." I said.

He laid down the bed.

"Im just gonna change my clothes." I said.

I changed into my pajamas and saw Kookie on his phone, when he saw  he putted it down and laid down.

I walked over to the bed and laid down and hugged a pillow.



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