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Tae's POV.

I woke up and i was going to stand up but someone was hugging me..?


Oh, it was Jin hyung.

Why is he here?

Then i noticed that i was only wearing a dress shirt..


I then rushed to my Walk-in closet and picked a white sweatpants.

Then i walked over to my mini kitchen and started boiling water to make coffee.

Then someone gripped my waist.

"You can't drink coffee" The person said.

"Jin-hyung? Why can't i?" I said.

"Your sick, so im gonna make you breakfast" Jin said.

"Ehmm..okay." I said.

"Oh! and- We need to tell you something later." Jin said.

I nodded.

I went to my office and opened my laptop but it was dead.

I sighed and grabbed the charger of my laptop and plugged it.

I then checked my files and it was organized.

After 15 minutes i finished a stack of documents.

Thanks for the one that organized my files~

Then a few minutes later Jin walked to Tae's office and saw Tae still working.

Jin frowned and walked to Taehyung.

"Yah! I said you were sick so no work!" Jin said.

"But Hyung~ Im almost done..pls just 10 more minutes!~" Tae said with puppy eyes.

"Fine, no one can even resist if you keep looking at them like that, they'll die." Jin said.

"That's why i do it~" Tae said.

Then Jin walked over to him with the soup in hand and said-

" Open your mouth~" Jin said.

Tae was surprised but realized what Jin was doing and he opened his mouth.

Jin fed Tae.

When Tae finished his food, his work was also finished too so Hurray,!

Then jin told Tae to shower and change his clothes.

After Tae got in the bathroom, Jin walked towards his own room and changed his clothes as well..



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