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I woke up pretty early even though i only got 3 hours of sleep. I found kookie hugging me tightly.

I tried to get out of his embrace. After 12 minutes of struggling i finally escaped.

I changed my clothes and went downstairs.

"Noona!" I said.

"Tae-Tae!?When did you get back!?"
She said.

"Yesterday noona! I missed you!" I said.

"Me too my little baby, so how are you? " She said.

"Im fine noona! Can you pls cook my favorite? " I said.

"Sure! and i heard you got guests?" She said.

"Yes noona, so cook plenty pls!" I said.

"Alright,child." She said.

Noona is the longest maid in this mansion. My mother hired her so my father cant fire her. And she's the one that took care of me everyday when i was still a child. But when it was time for high school i moved to Seoul. I only see her when i visit here.

I then waked up my other members.


"Hyung, wake up..." I said.

Then he slowly opened his eyes and he was kinda surprised..?

I don't know why...

"Hyung, after you get ready come have breakfast downstairs." He nodded.

Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung.

"Hyung's, wake up! " I shouted making them startled.

"Yahhh, you baby! how dare you scare your hyung's! " Jin hyung said.

"Sorry hyung's, but pls come have breakfast downstairs after your ready" I said.

They nodded.

Jimin and Suga hyung.

They were already awake and discussing something.

I couldn't hear it but it seemed important.

"Breakfast is ready." I said.

They were startled.

"O-oh! Just a minute!" Jimin said.


"Kookie...wake up." I said.

"Hmm.." He opened his eyes slowly.

"Breakfast is ready." I said.

" Can you pls brush my hair? " he said.

I nodded and got my hair brush and started brushing his hair.

"Carry me downstairs pls.." He gave me the puppy eyes so i couldn't say no.

"Fine..hop in." I said.

Then he got on my back and i carried him toward to dining table, everyone was already there waiting for us.

They looked surprised and confused at the same time.

Phew, that was a whole workout so i guess  i don't really need to work out today.

When the food came we started digging in and everyone was satisfied.


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