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Some time ago.

I woke up when my alarm ringed.

I wore a hoodie so i could hide my newly made cuts. I made 13 new cuts yesterday.

I went down but there was no seats for me, nor food.

I tried to grab cereals but i was stopped.

"YAH! U CANT EAT, UR TOO FAT! " Namjoon hyung said.

"Im the skinniest he-" before i could finish my sentence he punched me.

"How dare u talk back to me, Huh!?"
He said.

"Im sorr- " He kicked me and blood came down from my head and then i passed out.


I woke up in my bed with a headache.
They didn't even bandaged me up.

There was dry blood in my head, i went to get the first aid kit but my door was locked. I cant get out.

I felt tears running down from my face and i wiped it.

I went to get a towel and soaked it in water and i slowly wiped my head.

I hissed in pain.

I then changed my clothes.

I was so hungry.

I haven't eaten for a day. When are they gonna let me out?

I then went to bed and slept.


I woke up in a hospital.

"Taehyung-ah!" PD nim said.

"H-huh? Where am i?" I said.

"Pabo! You are in a hospital, u haven't eaten for 3 days and we just saw u yesterday. The members said u didn't leave ur room for 4 days! Is that true!?" PD nim said.

"No they locked me in- " Before i could finish my members was going in through the door.

"They locked me in my room! " I shouted.

"What!?" PD nim said.

"Boys! Come to my office this afternoon and get out of here! " PD nim said.

" But PD ni-" Jin hyung got cut off by PD nim " No Buts!"

"Sorry Taehyung-ah, I'll punish them" PD nim said.

"Its okay PD nim." I said.

"I swear, if they knew who you are, they wouldn't be doing this." PD nim said.

"Its okay PD nim, ill call #$@()/!? if they do this again." I said.

"Alright then, Rest well, and just call me hyung." PD nim said.

"Okay, hyung. " I giggled.



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