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"We should have a vacation"


"That is actually a good idea!" Jungkook said.

"But..where do we go? " Yoongi said.

"Maybe..Chicago?" Namjoon said.

"Daebak! Chicago is a perfect place to go!" Hoseok said.

"I'll book our tickets now then!" Jin said.

"Alright, i will watch Tae" Namjoon said.


After a few hours.

Namjoon's POV.

I heard Tae moving in his bed.

Then i heard cute snores.

He's really cute when he's not serious...just like before..

I sighed and sat on Tae's bed..

He looks so gorgeous.

I shaked off my thoughts and remembered that Tae has alot of work still..maybe i can help.

I walked over to his office and checking files that i can do and cleaning and sorting out the files for Tae.

After that i was pretty tired so i went back to Tae's bed.

I don't know what came over me...but i found myself hugging Tae.

I quickly got up while blushing a bright red.


Jin's POV.

'Hmm..what is the bestest hotel in Chicago?' Jin thought.

"Need help hyung?" Jungkook said.

"Yeah,umm,help me find a hotel." Jin said.

"Why not just rent a house" Jungkook said.

"Daebak! Thanks for solving my problem!," Jin said. And Jungkook giggled.

After a few minutes jin found a house that catched his eye.

After a few minutes jin found a house that catched his eye

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'This is really pretty'.. Jin thought.

This is it..

He rented the house.

Then he closed his laptop and went to the bathroom and changed to his pajamas.

He was about to sleep when he remembered to check up on Tae.

So he stood up and walked to Tae's room.

When he entered he saw that the lights were still on so he walked over to Tae's bed and Tae was only wearing a white dress shirt so Jin saw Tae's milky Thighs so he blushed.

'God dammit' Jin thought.

He put a blanket over Tae.

Then he caressed Tae's Smooth, fluffy gray hair.

Then he kissed Tae's forehead.

'Will he wake up if i kissed him on the lips..?' Jin thought.

He started leaning in..


Tae moved aside in his sleep and Jin shaked his head to get that thought away.

He went back to his room thinking on what just happened..


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