Love, just Love.

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Hoseok's POV.

I was eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hobi, go wake up Angel" Jin said and i nodded and went to my Sunshine's room.

I opened the door and saw him sleeping peacefully.

I walked over to him.

"Sunshine..wake up baby." Hoseok said.

But Tae still hasn't woken up so Hoseok showered Tae with kisses.

Tae felt something and it tickles. He opened his eyes and saw Hoseok kissing him.

"Hoseokie, that tickles~" Tae said giggling.

"Yay! Your awake now sunshine, come have breakfast." Hoseok said.

"Oki!" Tae said and Hoseok pecked his lips.

"I'll carry you baby" Hoseok said and knelt down.

Then Tae hopped on Hoseok's back.

When they reached the kitchen, Hoseok put Tae down his chair.

"Morning Angel, Had a good sleep?" Jin said.

"Mhm" Tae nodded.

Then jin went over to him and kissed Tae passionately.

"Yah! Stop it or i'll get jealous." Hoseok said.

"Whatever." Jin said.

While Tae was a blushing mess.

After that.

"Angel, here's your outfit, go shower now." Jin said.

"Okay.." Tae said and went to the bathroom and showered.

After he showered he wore the outfit and brushed his teeth.

After he showered he wore the outfit and brushed his teeth

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He came out of the bathroom.

"Come angel, i'll dry your hair.," Jin said trying not to have a heart attack because Tae was too cute .

"But i can do it myself~" Tae said whining while pouting.

Jin wanted to kiss that pout and so he did.

Tae was shocked but he kissed back.


Jin pushed Tae to his bed while still kissing.

They broke the kiss because they needed air.

"Baby, can we do it?" Jin asked.

"Y-yes.." Tae answered shily.

"Aww, baby you are so cute." Jin said and then continued to kiss Tae.

Jin was massaging Tae's thighs.

"P-pls, jin-hyung..just do it." Tae said.

"But, i still wanna play~" Jin said.

Jin also wanted to just do it but Tae looking so vulnerable under him was just so pleasing to the eye.

Jin started to suck Tae's neck.

"A-ah~ P-pls jin hyung, stop teasing.." Tae said while a moaning mess.

"Don't worry Angel, you'll feel good soon." Jin said.

Then jin started playing with Tae's nipples.

"Ah-AH~! P-pls!" Tae moaned.

"Call me daddy" Jin said.

"D-daddy! P-pls!" Tae said.

"Your so beautiful under me babe, your moans are music to my ears, I'll make you feel really good." Jin said.

Then jin started to play with Tae's dick.

Thrusting his hands on it.

"You like this baby?" Jin said.

"Y-yes..daddy..," Tad said moaning.

Then after a minute he came.

Then jin put a finger in Tae's hole.

"A-ah!" Tae moaned.

"It will hurt a little baby, but it will feel good soon." Jin said and started thrusting his hands in Tae's hole.

Then jin put another finger in and Tae is a moaning mess.

After jin prepped Tae's whole he put his dick in slowly.

"You ready angel?" Jin said and Tae nodded.

He started thrusting into Tae.

"Ah!~ D-daddy! Faster!" Tae said.

Jin went faster and he started hitting Tae's prostrate and then Tae started screaming and moaning in pleasure and everyone in the house could hear it.

"Im about to cum baby" Jin said groaning.

"M-me too.." Tae said.

Then they both came.

Tae was about to pass out.

"Baby you gotta get cleaned first" Jin said.

"Im do it." Tae said whining.

"Fine, you said that." Jin said smirking.

Jin went to the bathroom and prepared the bathtub.

He showered first and wore his pajamas.

After that he went to Tae and carried him to the bathtub and put him inside carefully.

Then he wet Taehyung's hair and put shampoo and he scrubbed Tae's body.

After that he changed Tae into Comfortable clothes again.

After that he changed Tae into Comfortable clothes again

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(Only the sweatshirt^)

Then he decided to take Tae to his bedroom because Tae's bed is dirty😏

Then he laid Tae on his bed and cuddled Tae.

Before he fell asleep he pecked Tae's lips and said.

"You we're a very good boy baby"


I have sinned.😇

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