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1 month later.

Third POV.

It has been a month since the assassination.

Tae is now mentally healed and not traumatized.

And the members prepared a special dinner for Tae.

"Angel, just sit for now i'll prepare your bath." Jin said.

"But hyung~ I can do it by myself." Tae said whining.

"Your really cute right now angel, but i need to take care of you" Jin said.

"Hmph, fine" Tae said pouting.

'I could kiss that pout soon...very soon.' Jin thought smirking.

After a few minutes the bathtub is now filled with warm water.

"Angel! Come now, the water is done." Jin said and Tae entered the bathroom.

After Tae showered he wore the outfit that Jin picked for him.

"Y-yah! hyung! W-what is this!?" Tae hid his face because he is blushing while showing jin.

"It's your outfit angel" Jin said smirking.

"W-why do you need to pick my outfits!?" Tae asked.

"Because im best at fashion, and don't deny that you like it." Jin said.

(The outfit^)

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(The outfit^)

Then they went down for breakfast.

They saw Tae. They stared at him then Jimin and Hoseok excused themselves because there was blood coming out there noses.

 They stared at him then Jimin and Hoseok excused themselves because there was blood coming out there noses

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(Tae's breakfast^)

"Is someone's birthday today?" Tae asked.

"Nope, Angel, this is all for you" Jin said feeding Tae.

"Why are you feeding me? Am i a baby or something? I can do it by myself." Tae said whining again.

Then Jin's phone rang.

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