Airplane pt.2 (Jk😅)

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My Title is so creative- Ya know, the song😅😉 Aghh, Fine..It's not funny😭
Don't forget to listen to Sweet Night

On to The story~ Sorry for wasting your time huehuehue


Jimin's POV.

I woke up cuddling Tae..He was so cute, Tae's head was on my chest and i could feel his breath on my heart...My heart was pounding..

He looks scary when he's working or doing business stuff but when he's not, he turns into an adorable tiger~ I could fuc-


"Jimin-ie? What are you doing? " Tae said.

" Oh, doing nothing...just go back to sleep." I said.

Then Tae closed his eyes again.

After 2 hours. (There's still 7 hours left on the plane)

Tae's POV.

'Ugghh, this shirt that jin-hyung picked is so gonna change..

I got out of Jimin's grip on my waist and went to my bag. Thank god i have an extra pair of jacket.

(Haha suffer with me)

The jacket kinda showed Tae's collar bones.

He then went back to His and Jimin's foldable bed and lied down again, and then he fell asleep.

4 hours later.

Namjoon's POV.

I woke up and i checked up on every members and i blushed hardly when i saw Tae. His collarbones are showing and his cute little tummy is out aswell.

I grabbed my blanket and put it over Tae.

Then i noticed blood running down my nose, Shit.

I rushed to the bathroom and washed my nose.

1 hour left.

Third POV.

Everyone was awake except for Tae.

"Jungkook, go wake up Tae" Jin said.

"K" Jungkook said.

Jungkook went up to where Tae was sleeping.

Hyung is so beautiful..If only..I could..i....

"Jin hyung said wake him up not stare at him dummy" Yoongi said.

"H-hyung!What are you doing here!?" Jungkook said.

"I wanted to check up on Tae" Yoongi said.

Then Tae woke up due to the loud noises.

"What are you two arguing about?" Tae said yawning.

"N-nothing!" Both Yoongi and Jungkook said.

'30 minutes before landing' The speaker said.



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