✰Chapter 13✰

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"Do you have everything?" I ask Poe.

He laughs shortly. "Yeah, I got everything. If it all goes well, I'll be back tomorrow morning. You have nothing to worry about."

"A lot is riding on this, Poe. If anything goes wrong-"

"Nothing will go wrong. We have the information. Lor San Tekka has the final piece, BB-8 and I will go get it and we leave right after. No need to stick around," he says. "Jakku is not far, we'll be back by morning."

BB-8 beeps from the ground and I smile down at him. "Thanks, buddy," I say.

"So, can I go now?" Poe asks carefully.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Yeah, you should go. Lor San Tekka is waiting." I reach up to wrap my arms around him and he tightly hugs me back, shortly lifting me from the ground. "Poe, put me down," I giggle and he puts me back on my feet. I let out a soft sigh before reaching for his hands, taking them in my own. "Please be careful out there," I say.

He smiles softly, pressing a kiss to my knuckles. I feel my cheeks heat up. "Of course," he says before looking down at BB-8. "Ready, pal?" he asks and BB-8 beeps excitedly. "Okay, let's get going."

He climbs inside his X-Wing and BB-8 places himself inside the droid compartment. Poe jokingly salutes and I laugh softly before waving until they've gone into Hyperspace. I stare at the spot where they've disappeared and when my mother places her hands on my shoulders, I snap out of my thoughts.

"They left?" she asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"And you're worried," she concludes.

I turn around. "And you aren't? Everything depends on this. If we don't get this piece, we won't find Luke. If we don't find Luke, there is no way we can stop the First Order. And if we don't stop the First Order, all of this was for nothing," I tell her.

She nods solemnly. "I know, honey. But I trust that Poe will get the piece and return it to us safely. I know that," she says. "You have to have a little faith."

I chuckle softly. "I have faith, I do," I say, digging my hands into my pockets. "We've come too far for it to go wrong now. The First Order has no idea where they're headed, right?"

She shakes her head. "No, we found out they're headed to some other planet that's not even close to Jakku," she says.

"That's good," I say. "I'm gonna do some meditating."

"Okay, I'll see you later, honey." She shortly places her hand on the side of my face and I smile before heading to a well-known piece of lawn. I sit down in the grass and place my hands on the ground. I close my eyes and let the energy of the Force surround me.

I watch as the tree I'm sitting under absorbs the nutrients from the soil. I see how the leaves from the tree are decomposed and turned into new soil. I follow the trail of insects that crawls through the grass, the small droplets of water sticking to their wings.

I let out a long breath and the setting around me shifts. Suddenly, I am on a desert planet. The sand bites at my skin as the wind howls around me. The air feels dry, a lot drier than on D'Qar. I look around and find myself in a settlement filled with people. I hear languages, dialects and accents that I've never heard before.

I release a breath and blink. I'm back on D'Qar but something feels different. "Jakku. They're on Jakku," a deep, distorted voice speaks in the far distance and I whip around, but no one is there.

"No, no, no," I mumble to myself, scrambling to my feet. "Mom!" I shout, sprinting back to the base. My mother looks up with a startled expression when I barge in. "Mom, they know. Ben knows," I rant, breathing uncontrollably.

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