✰Chapter 27✰

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Night fell hours ago and I am vast asleep, my arms wrapped around Poe's torso as he is working on something for his X-Wing. He tried explaining it to me before we went to bed, but the technical side of X-Wings always goes completely over my head. 

My head comfortably rests on his chest but in my mind, I am once again reliving my father's death, but right before Kylo Ren can ignite his Lightsaber, the setting around me shifts. 

"Sir, we have completed the tracer you requested." A man with slicked-back hair runs up to a tall figure dressed in full black. I have no problem recognising either of them.

"And?" Ren asks. 

"They're in the Ileenium System," First Order General Hux states and my heart skips a beat. "We suspect D'Qar." 

Ren suddenly freezes and I can feel my heartbeat pick up. He whips around and faces me. His eyes are dark as he looks straight at me, but it's as if he can't see me. Not really anyway. 

I hold my breath as he steps closer. 

As quickly as he had turned to me, he turns away again. "Go. Send in all craft," he states and Hux nods formally before scurrying off. 

"Rave! Rave, you're dreaming. Wake up." A hand shaking my arm rips me from the depths of my dream and I sit up, realising I'm not on Ren's ship but in Poe's bedroom. He stares at me with wide eyes. "Are you okay? What happened?" he asks me, worry lacing his voice. 

I breathe heavily as I nod, trying to recall what happened, but my mind is foggy. 

"I-I don't know," I mutter, running a hand through my hair and wincing as I momentarily forget the healing wound on my arm. "I saw Ren." 

"You what?" 

"In my dream, I was on a ship. Ren's ship, I think." My head aches as I attempt to remember what he said. "There was another man, they talked about a tracer." 

"What tracer? Rave, what are you talking about?" he asks. 

I shake my head before it hits. "D'Qar. They know," I whisper to myself. I grab Poe's arm. "We have to get out of here. They know we're here!" I jump out of bed. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rave, hang on a second. How do you know your dream is real? What if it's exactly what Ren wants you to think," Poe calls, rushing after me. 

"Do you want to take that risk?" I ask him, turning around. He sighs through his nose. 

"No, I don't. Come on." He holds out his hand and I firmly take it in mine as we rush to the main control bunker. He enters the computer without a problem and runs some tests. "I don't see any hostile craft in the system," he mumbles to himself as he works, something I've picked up on over the past few weeks. 

I lean over his shoulder, watching along. "What's that?" I ask, motioning to the triangular spot on the radar. Poe's dark eyebrows furrow as he zooms in, but both of us gasp as we recognise the craft. It's a First Order cruiser. 

Poe curses to himself before running to the wall and pulling a lever, causing a loud alarm to start blaring. Within seconds, Resistance fighters and workers are crowding the room, running around to collect everything they can. 

"Raven! Poe!" My mother comes up to us. "Is it the First Order?" 

"Yeah, they're in the system," Poe answers. "We have to get everyone out, right now." 

"If they're already in the system, we won't have enough time for that," Mom says. 

Poe holds up a hand, grinning to himself. "I might have an idea for that," he says.

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