✰Chapter 53✰

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"Hold still," I tell Poe, placing my hand on his arm. I close my eyes and inhale deeply. I ignore the Dark Side tapping at the edge of my mind and I focus on the Light, ordering just enough energy to flow from my hand and into Poe. Under my palm, I feel the skin of his arm knitting back together. 

I open my eyes again and Poe glances at his arm, tracing his fingers over where the blaster wound once was. "That's insane," he whispers. I smile. 

"You're welcome," I say. 

"Thanks. Are you okay?" he asks. 

I nod. "I'm fine," I say, even though I feel drowsy and very much in need of some sleep. "I can't stop thinking about her. I miss her." 

Poe's hand intertwines with my own, squeezing it softly. "I miss her too," he says softly. 

"Raven! Poe!" We look up and I spot Finn sprinting up to us, D-O chasing after him. As soon as he reaches me, the small droid places itself against my leg. Ever since we found him in Ochi's ship, D-O follows me everywhere I go. 

"I gotta talk to you about something," Finn says. He points at D-O. "This droid has a ton of information about Exegol." 

"Wait, what? Cone-face?" Poe asks, rising to his feet.

"I am D-O," the droid corrects him. I pull him into my lap. 

"Sorry, D-O," Poe quickly says.

"He was going to Exegol with Ochi of Bestoon," Finn continues.

"Why was Ochi going there?" I ask.

"To bring the little girl he was supposed to take from Jakku to the Emperor," he explains and my eyes widen. "He wanted her alive." 

"That's insane," I mutter, finding Poe cracking a grin at me. "Alright. Let's see what you've got, little guy." We take D-O to a computer and plug him in. Several files pop up, including maps, military formations, and inventory of the Sith fleet. 

"There. Everything you need for an airstrike on Exegol," Finn says. 

"Yeah. Except how to get there," Poe says, leaning closer to the computer. "Are you seeing these atmo-readings?"

"It's a mess out there," Finn says. "Magnetic crossfields." 

"Gravity wells, solar winds," Poe adds. 

"The Dark Side," I say. 

Poe runs a hand down his face. "How does a fleet even take off from there?"

"I am terribly sorry," 3PO's voice appears and I turn to find him and R2 approaching. "I'm afraid R2's memory must be crossed with his logic receptors. He says he is receiving a transmission from Master Luke." 

My heart skips a beat. "Luke?" I ask. "Are you sure, R2?" 

He whirs. "Okay, okay. Go ahead." He connects himself with the computer and a map appears. A single spacecraft makes its way across it. 

Poe frowns. "That's an old craft ID."

My eyes widen slightly. "That's his X-Wing," I mumble. "That's Luke Skywalker's X-Wing." 

"It's transmitting course marker signals on its way to the Unknown Regions," 3PO explains. 

"It's Rey," Finn states. "She's going to Exegol. She's showing us. She's showing us how to get there." 

A slight grin appears on Poe's face. His hand finds mine and he squeezes it tightly. "Then we go together," he says. "Let's make a plan."


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