✰Chapter 57✰

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Six long months followed the defeat of the First Order and Palpatine. After bringing balance to the Force, a sense of balance was brought to the galaxy. Following Finn and Ben's conversation, the Resistance managed to track down all known First Order training centres and recruitment camps to free the Stormtroopers kept there. Most of them welcomed their newfound freedom with open arms while others fled to systems in the Outer Rim.

The Resistance stayed on Ajan Kloss to monitor operations all throughout the galaxy. Poe, Rey, Finn, and I played active roles in those operations to both free the systems and make sure those systems were taken care of. 

But after those six long, exhausting months, we finally get to wind down. And what better way is there to wind down than a wedding?

Tears line my eyes as I watch Rey walk down the aisle, holding onto Finn's arm. Rey's eyes catch mine and I smile, nodding assuringly. Her white gown gracefully flows behind her as she holds a bouquet of white and baby blue flowers close to her three-month baby bump. Her brown hair falls down her shoulders in soft waves as the top half is tied back elegantly with small, white flowers. 

Rey arrives at the altar and hands me her bouquet before she stands across from my brother, who can't seem to stop smiling. Behind Ben stands Poe, smiling equally broad, but at me instead of Rey. Since Poe was the only friend Ben had growing up, it was only natural he'd be Ben's best man.

"Welcome, everyone, to the union of Ben and Rey," Mom speaks to the small crowd gathered by the shore of the lake. The music playing quiets down. "We take ourselves out of the usual routines of our daily lives to witness a unique moment in the lives of these two amazing people. Today they join their lives in the union of marriage." 

Ben interlaces his hands with Rey's and never takes his eyes off of her. Even though Rey's back faces me, I can tell she is happier than she has ever been, simply from the overjoyed Force-energy flowing from her. 

"Last night, I sat down with both Rey and Ben to talk about the wedding. Both of them wish to express their gratitude to one person in particular. This person never stopped believing in them and stood by their side until the bitter end." 

Before I can draw a conclusion from my mother's words, both Rey and Ben turn in my direction. I can feel my eyes widen. Rey removes one hand from Ben's to take one of mine. "Raven, you gave me a family when I didn't know my own, and even when I did, you didn't allow that to define me and you never judged me. Thank you so much for everything you've taught me, Master." She tightly squeezes my hand as tears flow freely down both of our cheeks. I don't hesitate to wrap her in a tight hug. 

"Thank you," I whisper. She draws back first and smiles. I turn to my brother, who watches us with tears in his eyes. 

"I've made some questionable choices in my life, but the second I made the choice to turn my life around for the better, you didn't hesitate to believe me. Growing up, you were my best friend and I am so proud to call you my big sister, even though you're only three minutes older than me." The crowd before us laughs and Ben pulls me in for a hug. 

"A wedding day is often a day when couples miss family members no longer with them," Mom continues. "For Rey and Ben, there are family members whose memories they hold dear. Each of them has prepared their own vows. Rey, would you like to start?" 

Rey nods softly, glancing down at her and Ben's intertwined hands. "As I mentioned before, I never knew my family. My parents were the bravest people in the galaxy and I know they would have loved you. But when I met you, my life started to make sense. I didn't want to believe it at first, but I knew of our connection from the first second I saw you. You gave me a sense of home, of safety. Over these past six months, you've shown me kindness, understanding and love like I've never felt before. I promise to never stop believing in you and to love you, and our little family, for the rest of my life." 

Ben wipes a tear from his cheek before clearing his throat. "Six months ago, my life was a mess. I didn't know who I was, where I belonged, or where I was supposed to go. You gave me a home. You are my home. I knew I was meant to be by your side from the moment I met you. You never gave up on me, even though I gave you every reason to. I promise to protect you, stand by you, and love you until my dying day." His hands fall to her baby bump. "And I can't wait to start this amazing journey with you." 

"We come now to the words Rey and Ben want to hear the most today. The words that take them across the threshold from being engaged to being married," Mom continues after clearing her cheeks from the tears that were flowing freely. "A marriage, as most of us understand it, is a voluntary and full commitment. It is made in the deepest sense to the exclusion of all others, and it is entered into with the desire and hope that it will last for life. Ben, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Rey in marriage?" 

"I do," Ben says without hesitation.

"Rey, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Ben in marriage?"

"I do," Rey replies, equally sure.

"May I have the rings, please?" Mom asks and C-3PO waddles forward, holding a cushion on which the two rings have been placed. "Ben, please place the ring on Rey's finger and repeat after me." 

"I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, my love is also forever," Ben says, sliding the ring on Rey's finger. 

"Rey, place the ring on Ben's finger and repeat after me." 

"I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, my love is also forever." Rey says, putting the ring on Ben's finger. 

"And so now by the power vested in me by the galactic senate, it is my honour and delight to declare you husband and wife," Mom says. "You may kiss your bride." 

Ben doesn't hesitate to take the sides of Rey's face in his hands and pull her in for a passionate kiss. Loud applause erupts around us and I don't bother wiping the tears from my face. I catch Poe's eyes and he winks, smiling broadly.

This is the last 'official' chapter of this book. I'm going to be uploading a two-part Epilogue that I'm really excited about, so be on the lookout for that! :)

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