✰Chapter 35✰

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I sit on the boulder, staring at the spot where Master Skywalker disappeared in the distance. My heart is rapidly beating but there is just one thing on my mind. 

He is proud of me.

A hand places itself on my shoulder and I jump. "It's just me," Rey says softly. The Porg who left my shoulder earlier settles down again and I run a finger down its feathered chest. It quips softly, nestling into the crook of my neck. "We have to go," she says, revealing the homing beacon around her wrist that is glowing brightly. "We've got to find them." 

I nod and we travel back to the Falcon. Chewie, Rey and I walk around, seemingly looking for nothing until a rattling sound reaches my ears and the Porg on my shoulder chirps. I turn around and see a flock of creatures run out of the canyon. "Rey!" I call.

"I see them!" she replies. We sprint and hop down the canyon, nearly stumbling on the jagged boulders and we end up in front of a blockade of rocks.

My breathing quickens as I feel her presence. "Mom..." I whisper and Rey turns to me. I curtly shake my head. "She's okay. She's behind those rocks!" I exclaim.

"Okay, that's good but how do we get through?" she asks. I look at her knowingly. "Lifting rocks." she breathes and I smile. "But how? That's way too heavy for two people."

"Hey," I say, reaching for her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Together."

She nods. "Together." She closes her eyes and I follow suit, reaching deep into the Force. The sounds around me fade and I no longer smell the salty air. I just feel a familiar warmth wash over me as I search for Rey's presence. Where Master Skywalker's presence was calm and collected, Rey's is uneasy, restless, but focused. 

I crack one eye open and watch as the rocks lift off the ground, unblocking the entrance into the mountain. Finn steps out first, but the others quickly follow. As Finn sprints up to Rey to lock her in a tight hug, the rocks fall to the ground, creating a wall next to us.

I look past everyone until I see her. "Mom!" I call and she looks up, meeting my eyes. A smile curls her lips and she holds out her arms. I run up to her and lock her in a tight hug, tears pooling my eyes. "Mom, Luke was here. He was actually here! Did you see him?"

She pulls back. "Yeah, I saw him," she says, smiling sadly. "I couldn't believe my eyes."

"Me neither. Where is he? Did he come with you?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, he went to face your brother."

I lower my eyes. "Right..." I mutter. 

"Rave!" I look up as Poe runs up to me and halts a few feet in front of me. "You came back," he breathes, almost in disbelief. 

"I told you I'd come back," I say with a grin and he laughs joyfully before locking me in a tight hug, spinning me around.

He pulls back and looks me over. "You know, you look pretty good in black." He winks and a blush creeps up my neck. He takes the sides of my face and draws me in for a kiss, but I am quick to pull back. "Don't worry, she knows," he says as he sees my shocked expression.

"She knows?" I retort. "I leave you alone for two seconds and you already told her?"

"It wasn't his fault. I already had a hunch," Mom says with a grin, folding her arms. I giggle, landing a playful punch on Poe's arm. 

"I think it's a good idea for us to get out of this place," he says. 

"I agree," Mom says. Rey, Chewie and I lead the group back to the Falcon and to my shock, everyone fits inside. That's how much the Resistance has shrunk.

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