✰Chapter 46✰

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"Let's go, 3PO!" I usher the droid onto the speeder that Poe got up and running. I climb after him, taking the hand Poe holds out for me. Finn jumps on after me and Rey, Chewie, and BB-8 take the other speeder. 

The locals start shouting for us to stop but we take off before they can reach us. Two pairs of stormtroopers on their own speeders chase us through canyons and open fire. I use my Saber to shield us from incoming blasts and try my best to have them ricochet at the troopers. 

The backs of the speeders lift off the ground to launch two troopers into the air. Their jetpacks turn on. "Oh, they fly now!" 3PO calls.

"They fly now?!" Finn exclaims. 

"They fly now!" Poe confirms. 

We are split up and while Rey, Chewie and BB-8 take the plains, the stormtroopers chase Poe, Finn, 3PO and I into the canyons. Dodging blasts and explosions, we make it to the other side unharmed. We catch up with Rey and the others just beside the hill on which Ochi's ship stands. 

"Rey!" I call and she looks up. 

"Get all of them?" Finn asks, but before she can answer, we are blown off our speeders and we hurdle through the air before landing rather harshly. The others open fire on the stormtrooper that shot us down and one of the blasts hits his jetpack, causing it to malfunction and crash him into a rock. The explosion trembles the ground and the sand we're on begins to collapse.

"What the hell is this?!" Poe exclaims. 

"Sinking fields!" I call as my legs submerge into the sand. 

"Try to grab something!" Rey adds, but we all know it's of little use. Before I know it, I am neck-deep in the sand. I inhale deeply and close my eyes. I try to find the others through the Force but before I manage to do that, I drop about eight feet down and land on my back.

With a groan, I push myself up, gladly breathing in air again. A chirp sounds over my head and I look up, seeing BB-8's head pop out of the ceiling. My eyes widen and I quickly roll aside before he can land on top of me. "You okay, buddy?" I ask and he beeps happily. I chuckle. "Good boy."

Seconds later, Poe emerges out of the sand. He immediately jumps up, turning on a flashlight. "Rave?" he asks. 

"Yeah, are you okay?" I ask, shielding my eyes from the light.

"I'm fine. Where are the others? Rey? Finn?" he calls into the web of carved out tunnels. 

"You didn't say my name, sir, but I'm all right," 3PO chimes, waddling up to us. A muffled grunting appears over our heads and Poe is just in time to catch Rey as she falls through the sand. 

"You alright?" he asks her. 

"Yeah," she says. "Where's Finn?" 

"Where's Chewie?" 

As if on cue, the Wookie emerges, spraying sand everywhere as he drops to the ground.

"I'm good!" Finn replies as he comes up to us, brushing sand off him. I shake out the jacket I'm wearing, releasing about a pound of sand in the process.

"What is this place?" Poe asks.

"This isn't the afterlife, is it? Are droids allowed here?" 3PO questions.

Rey takes out her Lightsaber and I follow suit, igniting it to light our way. In the dim, blue light, Poe and I follow Rey and Finn through the tunnels. "So what was that?" Rey asks Finn softly. 

"What?" he asks. 

"What were you gonna tell me?" 


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