✰Chapter 52✰

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T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

Raven wakes up with a gasp.

"Raven?" A voice sounds and she pushes herself up on her elbows, feeling as if her head's been stuffed with cloth. "Oh, thank God." A set of hands cups her face and someone presses a kiss to her forehead. 

"Poe?" she mutters, struggling to open her eyes. 

"Yeah. Yeah, it's me," he replies, taking her hand in both of his. Tears blur his vision but he doesn't care. She's okay. 

"What happened?" Raven asks him, sitting against the wall of the Falcon. He rushes to help her place her back against the seat she was lying on. She winces at the dull pain in her body.

"I don't know. You passed out after you began bleeding out of nowhere," he explains. She sits upright, glancing down at her bloodstained shirt. She lifts the hem to reveal perfectly healthy skin, not a wound or scar in sight. She frowns shortly before lowering her shirt, feeling a blush creep up her neck. "I thought you died," Poe whispers, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. She softly squeezes his hand, slightly calming his racing mind.

"Where are the others?" she asks then.

"Finn and Chewie are flying the Falcon. We're heading home." 

"Home? Why? Didn't Rey find the Wayfinder?" 

Poe averts his eyes.

"Poe?" Raven presses, feeling her stomach tighten.

"Rey left. We don't know where she went." 

Raven's eyes fill with tears as her mouth is slightly ajar. "I-I don't understand," she musters out. 

"Neither do we. I'm sorry, Rave," he says softly. She falls silent and Poe quickly checks up on Finn and Chewie before sitting by her side for the remainder of the journey home.

They arrive back on Ajan Kloss and luckily, the people on the Endor moon managed to fix the landing gears. Poe places Raven's arm around his neck as she's still heavily weakened. Finn and Chewie follow them out of the Falcon, the three droids trailing behind. 

As they approach the base, commander D'Acy speeds up to them. "Poe, something's happened," she says. He stops, but Finn and Chewie push past.

"This can't wait," Finn tells her. 

"We gotta find the General," Poe says, taking Raven with him. 

D'Acy feels the lump in her throat grow at the sight of Leia's daughter and knows that the words she's about to say will cause the girl's world to come crashing down. "She's gone," she calls after them.

Poe stops in his tracks, wondering if he heard her correctly, but as Raven goes limp by his side once again, he knows he heard the commander perfectly clear. He groans at the stinging pain in his arm as he lifts Raven up. Her head rests against his chest as a tear slips down her cheek. 

With Chewbacca's heartbroken roars in the background, Poe takes Raven to the infirmary, struggling to keep his own sobs from escaping as he buries his face in her dark hair. 


"Hey, kid. I miss you, son." 

"Your son is dead." 

"No. Kylo Ren is dead. My son is alive."

"You're just a memory." 

"Your memory. Come home."

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