✰Chapter 34✰

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I wake up with a pounding head as I feel someone shaking my arm. My eyes pull apart and when I push myself up, I learn I am still in Snoke's throne room. Smoke fills my lungs and I cough, but I know I have to get out of here as soon as possible. 

"Come on, we have to get out," Rey says and I nod, shielding my nose and mouth with my arm. I push myself to my feet and Rey stumbles after me. I glance over my shoulder at my brother's unconscious form on the ground. 

"Raven, let's go." Rey's voice shakes me from my thoughts. I nod and follow her to the escape pod that resides in the corner of the room. We activate it clamber inside. I let out a long breath as the pod shoots away from the ship and lean my head against the seat. 

"Are you okay?" Rey asks as she sends our location to the Millennium Falcon, asking Chewie to find us as soon as possible. 

I nod. "I'm okay," I confirm. "Are you?"

"Everything hurts." She chuckles. "But I'm okay." 

A giggle escapes me. "Yeah, me too," I say. 

"So what happened back there? Why were you with Snoke?" she asks the question I've been awaiting and dreading the whole time. 

I sigh softly. "My mom got hurt in an attack. She's been unconscious the whole time and she's dying, although the doctors said she'd be fine. I knew I had to find a way to save her and the Dark Side had what I needed, so I went to Snoke, knowing he'd be able to help me. He desperately tried to turn me but I couldn't. Not completely," I tell her, fidgeting with my hands. 

She reaches for my hand, smiling softly. "You're not a bad person, Raven," she says. 

"I don't know about that," I mutter. "I almost killed someone." 

"Almost," she says. "You only wanted to save your mother." 

"And now she's going to die anyway," I whisper, tears filling my eyes. I catch the inside of my cheek between my teeth and bite down, refusing to let any more weakness shine through.

"You don't know that." 

"I do. I saw her future." I stubbornly wipe a stray tear from my cheek. "I'm so sick of feeling this way. First Jaz and the other girls, then Dad, and now Mom. I'm sick of losing people. This is exactly why Master Skywalker didn't want us to form attachments." 

Rey doesn't say anything, she just squeezes my hand before turning her eyes back ahead of her. 

In the time we wait for Chewie to either reply to our dispatch or to come pick us up, I close my eyes, diving deep into the Force and silencing the thoughts and emotions swirling through my head. I try to calm myself down but it takes me every grain of energy in my body, so I give up. 

A beeping sound appears and I open my eyes again, releasing a breath of relief as I see the Falcon approaching. It draws our pod inside and I am the first to escape. I let out a long sigh before Chewie engulfs me and Rey in a tight hug. "We're okay, Chewie." I giggle into his fur. He roars a few times. "Why I'm dressed like this?" I ask, looking down at my black robes. "It's a long story. I'll tell you when we get back." 

Chewie gruntles. "What? The Resistance contacted you?" Rey asks. He roars. "All right, all right." 

He ushers us to the cockpit and while I sit down next to Chewie, he sends Rey to the blasters of the ship. Chewie gives me a few instructions, but I've forgotten most by the time we take off again. 

We fly for a bit before Chewie changes course and dives down toward a white planet. We break through the atmosphere and when we get closer to the surface, the sight before us makes me gasp. 

Several First Order walkers and a few dozen TIE-Fighters take on a small army of rusty speeders. The First Order is accompanied by a canon of some sort that is aimed straight at the heavily armoured door of the base that is embedded in the mountain. In the trench close to the entrance sits a group of armed Rebels, but the situation doesn't look very promising.

One of the Porgs that has inhabited the Falcon sits down on my lap and to soothe my nerves, I start stroking its back. It chirps cheerfully as Rey destroys one of the TIE-Fighters. "Whoo! I like this!" she shouts through the comms. I laugh nervously, gripping my seat with one hand.

"Chewie, peel off from the battle. Draw them away from the speeders," Rey comments a few shot-down fighters later. 

"We're on it," I reply and Chewie steers the Falcon in the opposite direction. Luckily, the TIE-fighters follow us. Chewie growls at me and I brace myself as he flies sideways into a canyon. One of the Porgs slips off the top of my seat and meets the window face-first. I hold onto the one in my lap. Chewie manoeuvres the Falcon through tight canyons and gorges made of red crystals. The gorge we end up in is narrowing drastically and I fear the worst, but we break through the end without any of the TIE-fighters following us.

"Whoo!" I cheer, hearing Rey cry out in victory as well. "Alright, let's find a way into that base so we can help them," I tell Chewie and he thankfully agrees with me. We circle over the mountain, trying to find an entrance. Chewie scans for lifeforms and I twist the radio to see if I can find the frequency on which the Resistance is, but all we hear is static noise. 

"Chewie, this isn't working, we have to-" I begin to see before I freeze. "Master Skywalker..." I breathe and Chewie roars. "H-He's here, we have to land!" Chewie gurgles a few times. "I don't know how he's here, just land the Falcon!" 

Chewie dives toward the surface and pulls up just in time to land smoothly. He opens the hatch and I run outside, the salty air filling my nose. I desperately turn in circles, trying to find my old Master. I can feel his presence. It's so close. 

"Hello, Raven," his deep voice sounds and I whip around, seeing him sitting on a boulder that previously hadn't been there.

I nearly let out a sob. "M-Master Skywalker?" I ask with a quivering voice.

A soft smile plays on his lips as he motions for me to sit down. I lower myself onto the boulder, unsure of what to say.

"What are you... What are you doing here?" I ask.

He looks out ahead. "I came to face him," he says. "I can't bring him back, though, but I think you already knew that." His eyes hold a sombre look, knowing his words hurt me more than I'd like to admit.

"Master, I have to tell you something..." I start.

"About Snoke? Oh, I already know," he says, looking out over the salty plains. "I'm very impressed that you managed to resist the Dark Side for so long. That takes true strength."

I stare at him, my mouth slightly agape. "Y-You're not disappointed that I disregarded your training?"

"On the contrary," he tells me. My brows etch into a frown and he continues, "I'm very proud of the Jedi you have become and with patience and a lot of practice, you can be so much more." He smiles softly.

He stands up from the boulder. "It was good to see you again, Raven. I hope you find what you're looking for," he says.

I nod softly and he turns around. "Master?" I call. He looks over his shoulder. "Will I see you again?"

He doesn't answer. He just lowers his head and leaves me behind.

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