✰Chapter 17✰

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"There is no fight against the First Order. Not one we can win," Finn says. "There's no chance we haven't been recognised already. I bet the First Order is on their way right..." He is cut off as Maz adjusts the large glasses on her face. "What's this?" he asks. "What are you doing?" She clambers on top of the table and closes in on Finn. I sit back and watch the scene unfold.

"Solo, what is she doing?" Finn asks nervously, leaning back in his chair.

"I don't know, but it ain't good," Dad chimes.

"If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people," Maz states. "I'm looking at the eyes of someone who wants to run."

Finn stares at her for a second before leaning forward. "You don't know a thing about me," he says in a low voice. "Where I'm from. What I've seen. You don't know the First Order like I do. They'll slaughter us. We all need to run."

"Hmmm," Maz says. She points at two people sitting across the room. "You see those two? They'll trade work for transportation to the Outer Rim. There, you can disappear."

"Finn," Rey speaks up and Finn turns to face her.

"Come with me," he tells her.

"What about BB-8? We're not done yet," she says. "We have to get him back to your base."

BB-8 chirps a few times.

"I can't," Finn says, shaking his head.

Rey's eyes widen and she looks at me for help. Finn rises from his seat and holds out the gun he got from Dad. "Keep it, kid," Dad says. Rey turns to BB-8 before chasing after Finn.

Maz turns to us. "Who's the girl?" she asks.

I trace my finger over the rim of the glass in front of me. "I don't know, she's a scavenger from Jakku. She found BB-8," I answer.

"You felt it too," she comments and I nod.

"She's strong with the Force. She just doesn't know it," I say. Over Maz's shoulder, I watch Finn leave with the two mercenaries. Rey stands with her back to us when suddenly, her head whips to the side. I frown and turn to Maz, only to discover she sees it too.

Rey disappears around the corner as she travels down a flight of stairs and I get up to follow her, but Maz grabs my wrist, holding me back. "Let her be," she says.

"Where do those stairs lead to?" I ask.

"Something that has been there for decades," Maz says vaguely.

I look at her for a second before a voice cries out, "No! Come back!" The sound of a Lightsaber whizzing through the air makes me jump up and before I can think about it, I'm rushing down the stairs with Maz chasing after me.

I find Rey on the floor in a dark hallway, staring at the door in front of her in horror. "What was that?" she asks me, breathing heavily. "I shouldn't have gone in there."

Maz catches up to me. "That Lightsaber was Luke's," she tells Rey and my head whips to the side. "And his father's before him and now it calls to you."

"I have to get back to Jakku," Rey states.

Maz holds out a hand and Rey hesitates before taking it in hers. She crouches to Maz's height. "Dear child," Maz says softly. "I see your eyes. You already know the truth. Whomever you're waiting for on Jakku, they're never coming back."

A tear slips from the corner of Rey's eye and she looks down. The energy flowing off her is contagious and I struggle to keep my own emotions at bay.

"But," Maz continues. "There's someone who still could."

"Luke," Rey whispers.

"The belonging you seek is not behind you. It is ahead," Maz says.

"Rey," I speak up and she turns to me. "I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds every living thing. Close your eyes," I tell her and she hesitantly does so. "Feel it. The Light. It's always been there. It will guide you, as it guided me."

"The Saber. Take it," Maz says.

Rey suddenly stands up. "I'm never touching that thing again. I don't want any part of this," she states harshly before walking away.

Maz stammers before turning to me. "She's scared," I say. "Whatever that Saber showed her, really got to her."

"You have to look out for her, Raven," Maz says. "She has such power inside of her."

I nod. "I know," I say. "Was that really Luke's?" I ask then, motioning to the door behind which the Lightsaber supposedly rests.

"Yes, it was," she answers.

"Why does it call to Rey?" I ask. "And not me?"

Maz traces her finger down my Lightsaber that is attached to my belt. "You already found your match," she says. "This Saber is something else. It calls to those who need it most. Not just the bloodline."

"Did it call to you? Is that why you have it here?" I ask.

She nods. "Yes, I was on a market years ago. It was hidden under a shawl, so there's no way I could've seen it. But it called to me so I bought it and took it home. The salesman said it didn't work anymore, but the second I tried to ignite it, its blade appeared," she explains.

"Can I try?" I ask softly.

She hesitates for a second before she travels into the room and comes back seconds later, holding a silver Lightsaber with black ridges around the bottom. The Force radiating off that thing is so familiar and I realise that it once was Anakin's Lightsaber.

She holds out the Saber to me and I reach out, wrapping my fingers around the cold handle. I instantly feel the energy flowing off it. My finger hovers over the ignition button but a voice cries out, "No!" I halt my movements. "Leave! Go! NOW!" I glance at Maz but discover she hasn't heard a thing.

"You know what? Never mind. It's fine," I say, holding out the Saber to her.

"Are you sure?" she asks, eyeing me curiously. I nod and she takes it from my hand.

After Maz puts it back where it belongs, we travel back to Dad, who's patiently waiting for us upstairs. I plop down in my seat again before realising someone is missing. "Where's BB-8?" I ask, looking around.

"I don't know," Dad says.

"No, seriously. Where did he go?" I stand up again only to sink right back down as a shock surges down my spine and makes my head feel like it might explode. Dad and Maz jump up to sprint outside and I stumblingly follow them, leaning on the wall to keep standing. In the sky, I spot a collection of red stars, but I quickly realise they aren't stars. They're explosions.

"It was the Republic!" Finn shouts, running up to us. "The First Order, they've done it." He looks at us before the realisation hits him. "Where's Rey?"

The sound of Ion engines appears and I look up, finding a fleet of First Order spacecraft flying over our heads. My hand finds Dad's arm and I look at him in horror. "It's Ben," I whisper. "He's here." Dad's jaw clenches shortly.

"Come on!" Maz calls, taking Dad, Finn, Chewie, and me back inside. "I've had this for ages. Kept it locked away." She opens up the wooden box in front of her and withdraws her hand with the Lightsaber in her palm. She holds it out to us.

"Where'd you get that?" Dad asks.

"A good question. For another time," Maz says, holding out the Saber to Finn. "Take it. Find your friend." He takes the Lightsaber and holds it tightly in his hands.

The ground under my feet begins to tremble. "Those beasts," Maz hisses. "They're here."

The next second, before any of us can react, the ceiling comes crashing down. Chewie is in time to hold up the debris while we clamber out and I take my Lightsaber, holding it tightly in my hand.

I chase after Dad and Chewie as he calls, "Come on, Chewie! Raven, let's go!"

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