✰Chapter 24✰

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"Poe, I've been meaning to tell you something," I speak up, glancing up from my intertwined hands that rest in my lap. 

"What's up?" Poe asks, taking his eyes off the lightspeed tunnel in front of us. He and I have been sent on a simple mission by my mother to gather new supplies for the Resistance. After a short discussion, Poe managed to convince my mom to let him take the Falcon. It wasn't easy for me to get on my dad's ship after losing him, but it was also comforting. It brings me a little closer to him.

"When we were on Star Killer base... When I saw Ren..." I start, feeling my throat go completely dry. "He killed my dad without remorse and after seeing that, I..." I hesitate, closing my eyes and letting out a breath. Poe senses my discomfort and reaches for my hand, a simple gesture he has been doing for the past days and even though I don't want to admit it, it comforts me. 

"I turned to the Dark Side," I whisper, my eyes still closed. "It wasn't long, but I wanted to avenge my dad so badly that I lost control." A single tear drips down my cheek. "And I'm scared." 

"Scared that you'll lose control again?" he asks softly, tracing his thumb over the back of my hand. 

I nod. "That's what happened to Ben. He just wanted to do the right thing but he snapped," I say. "But I guess it's my destiny, just like it's his." 

"Hey, Rave, listen to me," Poe says and I look to my left. He turns his seat toward me and leans forward, looking right into my eyes. I don't look away. "It is not your destiny to turn to the Dark Side. Like you said, something inside your brother snapped but that doesn't mean it'll happen to you as well."

"How do you know that?" I ask. 

"Because I know you. You're my best friend and I know you would never intentionally hurt anyone. Ren killed your father, it's perfectly understandable to feel angry. Hell, I want to end the bastard simply for making you feel this way," he says and I can't help but smile. "It's not your fault, Rave. And you will not turn to the Dark Side, either. You know why?" 

"Why?" I ask, my voice a mere whisper as I'm completely overwhelmed by his words. Never could I have imagined Poe Dameron, the Resistance flyboy, to be so heartfelt. 

"Because I won't let you. I'll drag you back to the Light Side before you can even say Star Killer base," he says, cracking a grin. I giggle. 

"Who knew you were so inspirational?" I joke. 

He smirks. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." 

"Like what?" I ask.

He looks at me for a second. "Ask me again someday," he says with a saddened smile before rising to his feet. "I'm gonna check on the hyperdrive." 

I sit completely baffled for a second as he walks out of the cockpit. "Hey, wait!" I say then, chasing after him. He ignores me and continues his journey to the maintenance part of the Falcon. "Poe!" This time, he turns around. "What's wrong? I just told you my deepest darkest secret and you start being all mysterious? What's going on?" 

He chuckles softly. "You wouldn't understand." 

"Try me," I say, crossing my arms. 

He lets out a soft sigh, nervously rubbing his hands together. "So there's this girl in the Resistance," he starts. "She's really pretty and funny and kind and I don't know, I really like her. And not just as a friend, because that's all we've ever been, but something more real. And this feeling is completely new to me so I don't know what to do with it because I don't know if she likes me back. I don't think she's even allowed to like me back." The words pour out of his mouth like a waterfall and my mind is clouded with confusion. Confused by his words but also by the knot in my stomach 

"I-I think..." I start before cutting myself off to clear my throat. "I think you just have to tell her that you feel this way because it's obviously very strong, right?" 

He nods. "Okay. Yeah, you're right," he says, looking up to meet my eyes. "Raven, I really like you. I like you more than a friend and I can't keep hiding it from you. I know you're not allowed to form attachments or whatever but you deserve the truth." 

I stare at him with a blank mind. 

Poe likes me. He likes me more than a friend should like a friend. The problem? I like him too. And I'm not allowed to.

"Poe, I..." My mouth opens but no more words come out. 

"Hey, it's fine if you don't feel the same way. I just want you to know but I don't want to mess up what we already have. If you want to go on and pretend this never happened, that's fine," he rambles without pausing, his hands nervously flailing around. I catch them midair. 

"I like you too," I say softly. "I have for a while now but I just kept denying it to myself. For most of my life, I was told not to form attachments but that's all I've ever done. I'm done lying to myself. So, yeah, I like you too, Poe." 

A broad smile curls his lips, brightening his entire face. His hands find the sides of my face. "Y-You do?" he asks. 

I giggle softly. "I really do," I confirm. He takes my face in his hands and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear before pulling me in. 

The next second, I'm kissing him. I know I shouldn't, but the enormous rush of excitement flowing through me stops me from thinking rationally. It's intoxicating and I don't want the moment to end, but the high-pitched beep behind us makes both of us jump. 

BB-8 is in the doorway, looking up at us while spinning around his axis. But he isn't angry or jealous. He's happy. Really happy. 

I burst out laughing and Poe quickly follows. He crouches down to BB-8's height. "You okay with this, buddy?" he asks his companion. BB-8 chirps excitedly, making us laugh. 

Poe stands up again and turns to me. I drape my hands around his neck and he places his on my waist. "You know we can't do this, right?" I ask, cursing myself for ruining the moment. "I wish we could but with me being a Jedi and you being a pilot and all, I don't think it's a good idea." 

He sighs. "I know," he mutters. "But when have good ideas ever worked for us? Let's just have a bad idea for once." 

I chuckle, my heart fluttering at the hope in his voice. "We shouldn't." 

"No, we shouldn't," he agrees. He pulls me close for another sweet kiss and I'm too weak to resist. But it's not like I want to anyway.

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