✰Chapter 33✰

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The silence in the elevator is nearly unbearable and Rey shoots me glances every other second. I can almost hear the cogs in her head whirring. She must have no clue why I'm even here, let alone stand by my brother's side. On the other hand, I don't know why she is here either. She is supposed to be with Master Skywalker. Unless...

"You don't have to do this," she says, breaking the silence and my thoughts. "Neither of you." She turns to my brother. "I feel the conflict in you. It's tearing you apart." 

When he doesn't reply, she turns to me. "And you. Why are you here?" she asks. 

I lower my eyes. "You wouldn't understand." 

She turns back to Ben. "When we touched hands. I saw your future. Just the shape of it, but solid and clear." My eyes widen slightly at her words, but I try to hide it. "You will not bow before Snoke." She steps closer, looking up at him. "You'll turn. I'll help you." 

The conflict in Ben's restless eyes brings hope to my heart. Maybe my brother isn't gone. Maybe he can come back from all this.

"I saw something too," he says softly. "And because of what I saw I know when the moment comes, you'll be the one to turn." 

The hope Rey's words ignited dies down and I lower my head again. 

"You'll stand with me," Ben says. He looks up. "Both of you will." 

"Ben..." I start tiredly. 

"No, Raven. I know why you're really here. You don't want to turn to the Dark Side but you will. It's your destiny just as it is mine," he says before looking down at Rey again. "Rey, I saw who your parents are." She steps back and almost bumps into me but the doors of the elevator hissing open stop her. 

Snoke is sitting on his throne, surrounded by his Praetorian guards. Ben grabs Rey's arm and yanks her into the room. I follow closely behind. 

"Well done, my good and faithful apprentices," he says. Ben pushes Rey forward while the two of us kneel down. I lower my head but pay extreme attention to everything surrounding me. 

"My faith in you is restored," Snoke continues. "Young Rey. Welcome." He waves his hand and the handcuffs fall to the floor. Rey shakes out her hands while never removing her eyes off of Snoke. "Come closer, child," he says, but she doesn't move. "So much strength. Darkness rises and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise. At first, I expected it to be his sister but she too has proven herself to be a powerful ally of the Dark Side," he says. He raises his hand and the Lightsaber Rey brought with her flies from Ben's grasp, landing right in Snoke's hand. "But then I assumed it to be Skywalker. Wrongly." He puts down the Saber. "Closer, I said." 

Rey's feet slightly lift off the ground and she floats forward, inching closer and closer to Snoke. 

"You underestimate Skywalker," she calls. "And Raven and Ben Solo. And me. It will be your downfall." 

"Have you seen something?" Snoke asks her. "A weakness in my apprentices? Is that why you came?" For a second, I think he is threatened by Rey's words, but he just starts to laugh. "Young fool. It was I who bridged your minds." 

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Ben look up, the slightest hint of disappointment and betrayal in his eyes. 

"I stoked Ren's conflicted soul and I toppled Raven's to the Dark Side," Snoke continues. "I knew they weren't strong enough to hide it from you, especially him. And you were not wise enough to resist the bait." He raises his hand again and Rey closes in even more. He places a hand on the side of her face. "And now... You will give me Skywalker. Then I will kill you with the cruellest stroke." 

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