✰Chapter 55✰

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T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

With Palpatine gone, silence and balance returned in the Force. The Dark shrinks until it is the same size as the Light, both existing in harmony. Amidst the ruins of what once was the Sith throne room, lie three figures. The tallest inhales a deep breath, knowing it shouldn't take him this much effort to do so. He blinks a few times before he remembers where he is. 

"Raven..." Ben croaks, pushing himself up. He groans at the stinging pain in his side and he is pretty sure his ankle is broken as it is twisted in a way it shouldn't be. He clears his throat and calls his sister's name again. Her still form lies a few feet from him, her back facing him, and he can't see Rey anywhere. He hears one heartbeat through the Force and he can't decide who he wants it to belong to.

He drags himself over to Raven's side, turning her limp body over. Blood trickles from her nose and a bruise is forming on her cheekbone, but as he takes her head in his hands, he feels a heartbeat under his palms. He releases a breath. "Raven, please wake up," he pleads in a hushed voice as if he were afraid to startle her. As he looks down at her, he feels his throat shut with guilt. He frowns when he notices the scar down her face has vanished, just like his own. Realisation dawns on him. Rey healed them both. Even though they were apart for so many years, the Force kept them connected.

Raven's hazel eyes flutter open and she looks up at her brother. "Ben," she whispers, sitting up and wincing at the pain surging through her body. "Where is-" Ben cuts her off by pulling her in a tight hug. 

"I'm so sorry." His voice is a mere whisper, but it is laced with regret, guilt and an immense amount of sorrow.

Raven is taken aback for a second before she hugs him back, burying her face in his shoulder. She doesn't care that her body feels aflame. She just holds on tight.

Ben pulls back first and looks past her, his eyes widening in pure horror. Without a word, he staggers to his feet and stumbles over to the figure lying a few feet away from the two siblings. Raven's heart drops when she realises the figure is Rey's lifeless form.

Ben cradles her in his arms, her hollow eyes staring into nothing. Raven's eyes water as she joins Rey's side and takes the girl's hand in hers. "Rey?" she asks quietly. "Rey, can you hear me?" 

"Raven, she's gone," Ben musters out. His words are laced with grief greater than anything he's ever felt. His soul feels as if it has been ripped in two, one half now missing.

A sob escapes Raven's lips, bringing Rey's hand to her forehead when suddenly, something clicks in her mind. She lowers Rey's hand and she looks at her brother with widened eyes. "She doesn't have to be." 

"What..." Ben starts, only to release a breath at the knowledge Raven shares with him through the Force. He nods almost invisibly and takes Rey's other hand in his own. He and Raven close their eyes to connect with the Force. Their energies flow into Rey and slowly but surely, colour returns in Rey's face. The dullness in her eyes vanishes and their natural glistening returns.

She blinks before sitting up, confusion clouding her mind as Ben and Raven are sitting in front of her, relieved but tired smiles on their faces. Raven doesn't hesitate to envelop her in a tight hug. Seconds later, Ben follows.

Tears flow freely down all of their faces, but they don't care. They're alive.


Raven is forced to lean on her brother as he takes her and Rey back to the X-Wing parked outside. Her body feels ready to pass out, but her mind is wide awake, relishing in the fact that her brother is by her side once again, that Rey is safe and alive and that none of them are tormented by Palpatine's grasp on their minds any longer. 

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