✰Chapter 51✰

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I silently watch Rey work on the wiring of the Falcon. I try to find her through the Force, but she keeps pushing me out. Finn, Poe, and Chewie are in the cockpit, trying to find a safe way to get us to the Endor system. 

"Rey," I speak up after minutes of dreadful silence. She doesn't reply. "Rey, what happened?" I ask, even though I already know. I need to hear her say it. 

"All that matters is the Wayfinder. Finding Exegol," she tells me, dodging my question.

"That's what we're doing," I say. "What did Ren tell you?" 

Her movements halt. "He killed my mother..." she whispers almost inaudibly. "And my father."

"Who did?" I ask, pressing harder. I know it might be dangerous to poke at her like this, but things will get out of hand if she ignores the truth.

"Ochi," she replies. 

I stand up. "Rey, I know what Ren told you. I've known it for weeks," I say and she turns around, eyes wide. "I know you're a Palpatine." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asks with a trembling voice. 

"I couldn't," I say. "And I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to-" 

"You didn't want me to become like your brother," she says, tears filling her eyes as betrayal laces her words. "Because your grandfather was Sith, Ben turned to the Dark Side. You didn't want the same to happen to me so you lied." 

"Rey, I-" 

"No. I'm going to find Palpatine and destroy him. I'm not going to be like you and hide from the truth," she snaps before stalking off. She nearly bumps into Finn at the entrance of the cockpit and he shortly glances at me before following her to the other side of the Falcon.

I join Poe in the cockpit, dramatically plopping into the seat behind him. Chewie looks up and his eyes shift between Poe and me before he gets up and leaves us be. I take Chewie's seat and run a hand through my hair before messily braiding it down my shoulder. 

"You okay?" Poe asks after watching me for a few seconds. 

"Nope," I tell him, smiling sarcastically. "Rey hates me." 

"I'm sure that's not-" 

"No, really, Poe. She hates me for lying to her and I don't blame her for that," I say, feeling a lump form in my throat. "I can't imagine what she must feel like because of me. I should've just told her. Everything would've been so much easier if I had."

"You did what you thought was best for her," Poe says. "Maybe you should talk to your grandfather about this. He had a Padawan too, right?"

I inhale deeply before exhaling as slowly as possible. "Maybe I should," I say softly. I push myself to my feet but Poe quickly grabs my wrist and pulls me back down for a kiss. A blush creeps up my neck before I lean into the kiss. I feel him smile against my lips and I draw back, finding him with a goofy grin. 

"It's gonna be okay, Rave. Rey'll come around," he says. I smile softly. 

"Thank you. I'll see you in a bit," I reply before heading to the only space in the Falcon I know will be empty; the cargo space. I sit down on the ground cross-legged and rest my hands on my knees. I close my eyes and breathe in, smelling the fuel and the dust. I dive into the Force and call for Anakin, but when I open my eyes, someone else is standing across from me. A middle-aged man with blonde hair and a beard, wearing beige Jedi robes as opposed to Anakin's darker version.

"Hello, Raven. It's nice to finally meet you," he says, an accent similar to Rey's lacing his words. 

"Who are you?" I ask hesitantly. 

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