✰Chapter 43✰

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"Be careful out there," I tell Finn, Poe and Chewie.

"Of course," Poe replies, locking me in a hug. Rey says goodbye to Finn before we switch. I tightly hug Chewie as well. He ruffles my hair and I push him off with a chuckle.

"Keep an eye on these boys, will you?" I ask with a wink. Chewie snickers and both Finn and Poe roll their eyes at me. 

"Let's go, Klaud!" Poe calls and the Trodatome waddles onto the Falcon. 

This morning, when Poe, Chewie and Rey were preparing the Falcon for the journey, they discovered a surge in the wiring, possibly caused by the latest mission in which Poe managed to fly the Falcon into a boulder. This resulted in much scolding from both me and Chewie. Since it was crucial for them to leave today, they had Klaud, one of the Resistance's mechanics, come with them to fix in on their way to Sinta.

The engines of the Falcon ignite and Rey and I watch as they leave. We wave shortly before they shoot into Hyperspace. I exhale deeply. "They'll be okay, right?" Rey asks. 

"I hope so," I reply, folding my arms. "I'm more worried about the message they'll bring back. If Palpatine has truly returned, this war might not be what we thought it was." 

She nods. "Could we continue my lesson? Maybe it'll take your mind of off this," she suggests.

"Good idea. Have you been practising as I told you?" I ask. 

"Yes, but I don't think it's working," she replies as we walk into the forest and onto the clearing. 

"Show me," I say and she hands me Anakin's Lightsaber before taking place in the middle. She sits down and closes her eyes. Within seconds, she is hovering a few feet into the air with two sets of rocks circling her. 

Her forehead twitches every other minute as she focusses. "Try your mantra," I tell her. 

A set of happy beeps approach me from behind and I turn around, seeing BB-8 rolling toward us. I quickly hold my finger to my lips as I notice Rey's rocks are slowing down. "She's meditating, buddy," I tell him. He chirps softly. 

Rey cracks a soft smile before she begins to mumble to herself, "Be with me. Be with me. Be with me." Seconds later, she opens her eyes again. "They're not with me," she states. "Ugh." 

With a twirl, she lowers herself to the ground, the rocks following shortly after. 

"Rey," I say with a soft chuckle. "Be patient. This is a huge skill that you can't just learn overnight." 

"I've been trying for weeks. I'm starting to think it's impossible," she says. 

"It's not impossible," I tell her with a smile. "You just have to keep trying." 

She releases a breath. "Okay," she agrees. "I'm gonna run the training course."

"Good idea. Maybe you'll loosen up a little," I say with a wink. She chuckles. "I'll be at the Temple if you need me." She turns to leave. "Oh, and Rey?" She looks over her shoulder. "You can do it." 

She smiles. "Yes, Master." 

"All right, off you go," I say and she nods before jogging toward the start of the course. "You coming with, buddy?" I ask BB-8. He chirps and motions in the direction in which Rey just went. "Okay, I'll see you later." He beeps once and I kneel to his height, wiping a streak of dirt from his side. "Poe is gonna be fine. He'll be back before you know it," I say. One more beep follows. "Exactly." He beeps me goodbye before rolling after Rey. I watch her run over the ridge before heading back to the base. 

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