✰Chapter 50✰

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We make it onto the Destroyer with the medallion Zorii gave Poe without being shot down or captured and when the ship lands in the hangar, goosebumps cover my skin. Memories of my days living on Snoke's Destroyer flood my mind and I desperately cling to the Light Side to keep my balance.

"Two Stormtroopers outside," I tell the others as we prepare to exit the ship. Poe, Finn, and Rey load up their blasters and I take out my Saber, igniting it as Poe drops the hatch of the ship. 

"Credentials and manifest," one of the troopers says as he approaches the hatch, but Rey and Finn blast them both down. I feel slightly useless in distanced fights, but I follow them into the hangar as they shoot down the other troopers. 

"You three, stay here!" Rey calls to 3PO, BB-8 and D-O.

"Happily," 3PO replies and BB-8 chirps rather nervously. 

"Which way?" I ask Finn as he scans the hangar. 

"Uh, no idea. Follow me." He takes off and we run after him into a dimly lit hallway. We hide behind a corner to wait for a squadron of troopers to pass and as the thudding of their footsteps fades in the distance, we jog down the hallway. The hissing of a door jolts us, but it doesn't compare to the feeling of my stomach dropping as we stand face-to-face to two troopers. 

"Drop your weapons," one barks. 

Rey doesn't hesitate to wave her hand in front of their faces. "It's okay that we're here," she tells them. The Force shifts to them and I ball my hands to keep them from shaking. 

"It's okay that you're here," the trooper who originally barked at us says. They both lower their blasters and visibly relax. 

"It's good," the other says.

"You're relieved that we're here," Rey says.

"Thank goodness you're here." 

"Welcome guys." 

Poe leans over to me. "Do you two do that to us?" he whispers. I can't help but chuckle softly. 

"We're looking for a prisoner," Rey continues. "And his belongings." 

"The prisoners are kept in Section 7D," Trooper 1 says. 

"All belongings are removed and assessed before they are most-likely thrown into the garbage shute or taken to the West Wing for storage," Trooper 2 adds. 

"Thank you," Rey says quickly before turning to Finn. 

"This way," he says and we take off again, leaving two hazy Stormtroopers behind. As Finn works on opening one of the doors, Rey starts walking in the opposite direction. 

"Rey?" I call. 

"The dagger's on this ship," she says vaguely.

"You heard those troopers. It's on the other side of the ship. We don't have time for it. Let's just get Chewie and get out of here," I say.

"We can't," she mumbles. "We need it." 

"Why?" I inquire. 

She turns back around, her eyes slightly widened. "A feeling. I'll meet you back at the hangar," she tells us. I raise my eyebrows. Through the Force, I can feel what she's feeling and I know she's telling the truth. 

"Okay," I say and she nods softly before taking off. 

"Rey, you can't just-" Finn starts, but Poe holds him back. 

"Chewie," he says. I follow the two men down what feels like dozens of narrow hallways. 

"Section 7D. This is it," Finn says, motioning to a metal plate on the wall. He presses the button next to a door and it hisses open. Without thinking, I sprint inside and find Chewie tied to the wall. 

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