✰Chapter 19✰

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The Falcon smoothly lands on the surface of Yavin 4 and the back hatch opens with a hiss. Dad, Chewie, Finn, BB-8 and I exit and I shiver at the cold breeze. 

Suddenly, BB-8 lets out a loud beep and rolls at top speed down the landing platform toward a black and orange X-Wing. I barely register what he said before I spot a familiar head of black messy hair.

My legs are running before my mind can catch up. "Poe!" I shout and he looks up from talking to BB-8. A wide smile spreads on his face and when I reach him, I throw myself at him, holding on for dear life. He is barely in time to catch me as he laughs. "What the hell are you doing here? Finn said you died!" I exclaim. 

Poe manages to pry me off him and sets me down on the floor. "He said I died? Where did he get that?" he asks. He looks up and finds Finn running toward us. "Buddy! You're alive!" he says as soon as Finn reaches us. The two of them meet in a tight hug. 

"So are you! What happened?" Finn asks. 

"What happened? I got thrown from the crash. I woke up at night. No you. No ship. Nothing," Poe rambles. "BB-8 says that you saved him." 

"No, no, no. It wasn't just me," Finn says. "Raven helped." 

He smiles at me and a flock of butterflies awakens in my stomach. "You guys completed my mission- That's my jacket." He stops himself midsentence, motioning to the brown leather jacket I'm still wearing.

"Oh," I mutter, moving to take it off, but Poe just wraps it tighter around me. 

"No, keep it. It looks good on you," he says with a smile and I feel a deep crimson blush spread on my cheeks. I lower my head to hide my own smile. 

"I'm happy you're okay," I say. He gives my hand a soft squeeze and I realise now that his hand has been in mine the whole time. I slowly retract it and choose to cross my arms instead, fighting back whatever feeling is bubbling inside me.

Attachments are not allowed, I remind myself. I can't let my personal feelings get in the way of what's important. And what's important right now is finding a way to save Rey and stop Kylo Ren from getting the final piece of the map to Master Skywalker.

"Okay, we need to go," I speak up.

"What's wrong?" Poe asks.

"Finn's friend, Rey, was taken by Ren. She's seen the map to Luke. He'll want to get that out of her," I explain quickly as I walk toward the main building of the base. 

"Where are we going?" Finn asks as he and Poe chase after me.

"To see my mom," I answer, leading them down the main base's many stairs.

"Mom!" I call when we enter the control room. She is talking to two older men that I don't recognise and she turns to us. "Sorry to interrupt, but this is Finn," I say. "He needs to talk to you." 

"And I need to talk to him," Mom says. "That was incredibly brave what you did. Renouncing the First Order, saving this man's life." 

"Yeah, what would we do without him," I joke, bumping my shoulder against Poe's. He chuckles. 

"Thank you, ma'am. But a friend of mine was taken prisoner," Finn says. 

"I know, Raven told me about the girl," she says before softly shaking her head. "I'm sorry." 

"Finn's familiar with the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian system. He worked on the base," Poe comments.

"We're desperate for anything you can tell us," Mom tells Finn. 

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