✰Chapter 16✰

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"It's fine, Chewie. It's not that deep," I tell the dramatically grunting Wookie. He grumbles a few times. "You need some rest, we've got it." He nods and I smile, placing a hand on his arm.

I push myself up and walk up to the shaken boy sitting in the booth. "You okay?" I ask and he looks up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for your help," he says.

I nod. "You too."

"You're welcome," he says, leaning on the hologame table, making an old game appear. The girl enters the room behind him. Dad joins us too.

"So," he says. "Fugitives, huh?"

"The First Order wants the map," the girl says, motioning to BB-8. "Finn is with the Resistance."

I look at the boy, trying to recall if I've seen him before. "You are?" I ask and he swallows thickly before nodding. "I've never seen you around, have I?"

"You're with the Resistance too?" he asks, almost nervously.

"Yeah, I'm Raven. Raven Solo," I say. Finn's eyes shoot to Dad. "Yeah, that's my dad."

"What about you?" Dad asks the girl.

"Oh, I'm just a scavenger," she says. "I'm Rey."

BB-8 rolls up to me, beeping. "Okay, let's see what you got," I say. He lifts up his head and turns on his projector, creating a hologram in the air. It's part of the map.

"Poe really did find it," I say softly, standing up with widened eyes. I feel three sets of eyes on me so I continue, "Ever since Luke and I parted ways, people have been trying to find him."

"Why did he leave?" Rey asks.

"He trained the new generation of Jedi," I say, printing the map in my mind. Every planet, every system, every star. "One of the boys turned against him and he destroyed it all. Luke felt responsible, both of us do. So he left. He walked away from everything. Including me."

"Do you know what happened to him?" Finn asks.

"He told me he found a spot where he wanted to live out the rest of his life in solitude. But there are a lot of rumours. Stories. People that knew him best think he went looking for the first Jedi temple," I tell them.

"So the Jedi were real?" Rey asks.

"I used to wonder about that myself," Dad speaks up. "Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. A magical power holding together good and evil. The dark side and the light." He pauses shortly, releasing a breath. He glances at me. "The crazy thing is, it's true. The Force. The Jedi. All of it."

No words can describe the amazement in Rey and Finn's eyes as they look at us.

A beeping sound appears and Dad turns around, jogging to the control panel. "You want my help? You're getting it!" he tells the others. "Gonna see an old friend. She'll get that droid home. This is our stop."

The Falcon exits Hyperspace and we approach a blue and green planet. Dad and Rey sit down behind the controls while Finn and I sit in the backseats.

"I didn't know there was this much green in the whole galaxy," Rey says quietly as we fly over the trees that grow next to a wide lake. We close in on a tall structure built on the shore of the lake. Dad smoothly lands the Falcon and opens the back hatch. Rey rushes outside before any of us can say a word and when I catch up to her, I find her looking at the view in front of us with nothing but pure astonishment in her eyes.

"Pretty amazing, huh?" I ask, digging my hands in the pockets of Poe's jacket.

She smiles. "I've only ever been on Jakku," she says.

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