✰Epilogue Pt. 1✰

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"How's that?" I ask the droid in front of me. She whirs excitedly, rolling in a circle. I giggle, patting her head. I push myself to my feet and head to the cockpit where I find my husband lounging with his feet up on the dashboard. "Hey, love." I greet him with a kiss on the cheek.

"How's BB-4?" he asks, lowering his feet to the ground. 

"She's great. I tweaked the antenna because her coordination was a bit off, but I think she's good now," I say, plopping down in the seat beside him. "How are things here?"

"The radio's still dead, but we're not far from Chandrila so we should be there in a bit," he replies, twisting at the tuning of the radio to his left. "Oh, Chewie fixed that fuel leak. He says we can go into Hyperspace again if we need to." 

"That's good. This girl's been through a lot." I pat the wall. 

For the past five years, Poe and I have been travelling through the entire galaxy with the Millennium Falcon, visiting planets and systems here and there to make sure they're safe. As executive members of the new galactic senate, we took that job upon ourselves. Chewie, Finn and Rose occasionally join us, but they do like to stay on planets longer than we do. We usually stay for a few days, never longer than a week.

When we visited Corellia, we found an abandoned droid smith's workplace, previously owned by someone we suspected to be First Order. Throughout the galaxy, people who once served the First Order fled to the Outer Rim to avoid prosecution, but that was the last thing we wanted for them. We need freedom, not just for the Resistance, but for everyone in the galaxy. 

In that droid smith's workplace, we found a few dozen droids. One of those droids was BB-4, a neglected BB unit. BB-8 found her and instantly befriended her. She's a bit smaller than BB-8 and as opposed to his orange rings, hers are red. We took her with us after making sure the other droids had a safe place to go and she's stayed with us ever since. She and BB-8 are the best of friends.

"Has Rey contacted you? She said last time she would," Poe asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

I nod. "Yeah, we spoke through the Force last night. She told me the kids are really excited to see us. Mom and Ben too," I say, a smile forming on my lips. Poe smiles too, taking my hand in his to interlace our fingers. 

Chewie enters the cockpit, growling. "Yeah, yeah. We're ready to go. I can't get the radio to work but they'll know it's us when they see the Falcon," Poe says, sitting up straight again. He turns the Falcon's engines on and heads towards the large planet ahead of us.

As we approach the landing docks, I watch the bustling city below. Poe lowers the Falcon to the ground and turns off the engine. Chewie, Poe, BB-8, BB-4 and I travel to the back hatch that is already opening. We head onto the landing platform where we are met with several crew members rushing forward to tend to the Falcon. Connix comes up to us and I greet her with a hug.

"It's so good to see you. It's been too long," she says, smiling warmly.

"I agree, but someone has to do the dirty work," I say, adding a wink. She chuckles.

"That is very true. Your mother is waiting for you inside." She points her thumb over her shoulder.

"Thanks, Connix. We'll see you later!" I wave her goodbye before heading into the large building next to the landing platforms. We travel down the long hallway leading to a tall door. I push it open first and spot my mother standing around a hologram table with other generals and admirals.

"Raven!" A bright smile appears on her face when she sees us enter. She excuses herself from the officials and heads over to us, greeting both me and Poe with a tight hug. She takes us out of the room to the lake-side balcony. "Has it been three months already?" 

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