✰Epilogue Pt. 2✰

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Darkness surrounds me and I can smell the scent of something burning. I try to look around but I see nothing but jagged rocks. In the distance, I can hear the soft humming of a Lightsaber. I reach for my own, but when I take it off my belt, I notice that it feels different. I ignite it but gasp when a red blade appears. It's the lightsaber Snoke gave to me when I was with him. I nearly drop it to the ground, but in the red light, I spot a figure standing across from me. A dark hood covers their face, but when I hold up the saber in my hand, I find Ash's dark eyes staring back at me. 

"Ash?" I ask, but he doesn't reply. Instead, he whips out his own red lightsaber and moves quickly to strike, but I duck and hold up my red lightsaber. It clashes with Ash's and the flash of light that emits makes me squint my eyes. 

The last thing I see before my vision goes dark is Ash's double-bladed red saber coming at me.

I jolt awake with a gasp. I sit up in bed, finding my shirt drenched in sweat. I tuck my hair behind my ears as I try to catch my breath. I glance to the other side of the bed, only to discover it's empty. I push myself to my feet and wrap myself in my Jedi robes, even though it's far from cold.

I walk down the hallway and into the living room. Poe's jacket is gone, so I conclude he must be outside. I head outside and find my suspicions were correct. Poe is hunched over his X-Wing, BB-8 and BB-4 rolling around him. The two droids beep happily when they see me and Poe turns around. "Hey, you're up early," he comments. 

I shrug. "Bad dream," I tell him, greeting him with a kiss. 

He frowns. "You okay?" 

"I think we're going to have to visit Rey and Ben today," I say hesitantly. 

"So it wasn't just a bad dream?" 

I shake my head. "I have this feeling that I can't shake. Something's happening and we need to stop it." 

"Okay, just take a deep breath. We'll figure it out," he says, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me closer. I lean into him, listening to the gentle thudding of his heartbeat to calm myself. 

By the time the morning comes to an end, Poe and I are on our way to Chandrila. As he flies, I tell him about my nightmare. 

Over the years, Poe and I have flown from system to system with the Falcon, but we realised after about a decade that we did everything we could for the galaxy and that the people would be alright, so we found ourselves a planet where we figured we could settle down. We built our own home and Poe bought himself an old X-Wing that he could work on. 

Chandrila is an ever-changing system. Every day, new towns are built and new people from across the galaxy move into the cities. I have never seen a quicker growing planet. 

Poe lands the Falcon on the field behind Rey and Ben's home. When we arrive at their cabin by the lake, I instantly sense the heavy emotion flowing from two particular individuals inside. Upon entering, I discover those individuals are Rey and Ben themselves. Rey is sitting on the couch, her hands in her hair as Ben is crouched in front of her, trying to talk sense into her. 

"Rey?" I question softly. "Rey, what's going on?" 

"You saw it too, didn't you? I know you did," she replies. 

"I did, but Rey, we can still stop him," I say.

"How do you know that? What if we're too late? What if he-" Ben starts with a thick voice, but I cut him off. 

"He's not going to follow in your footsteps," I say. "We'll make sure he doesn't. Where is he?" 

"He and Addie went to pick up Lucy from the Temple. We asked them to," Rey replies. "They'll be back soon." 

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