✰Chapter 48✰

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T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

Feeling nothing but worry for the Jedi sitting on the ground across from him, Poe's hands shake uncontrollably as they are clasped in his lap. Raven's eyes lost their bright spark ever since they left Pasaana. Poe fears that the death of yet another member of her family might snap her back to the Dark Side. 

He could never forget the anxiety surging through him while she was with Snoke. She wasn't by his side for three whole days and there was no way he could know if she was okay or not. He never felt this way about anyone before. None of the girls he hooked up with in the past could live up to Raven. Her kindness, determination, and passion made her the fiercest person he's ever met and not a person in this galaxy could ever make him let her go.

Raven doesn't know, but over the past months, he spent hours talking to Leia about the Force, hoping to learn as much as he could so he might be able to help Raven if she ever needs him to. If she ever slipped back to the Dark Side and remained there for good, he wouldn't know what to do with himself. 

"Rave?" he asks quietly, but she doesn't reply. Her hazel eyes are widened as she focusses them on the ground in front of her. She is muttering words under her breath while lightly rocking back and forth. "Raven, can you hear me?" Poe asks again, but still nothing. 

He lets out a sigh, running a hand through his messy hair and turning to Finn. "This is bad," he says. 

"Very," Finn agrees, glancing over her shoulder at Rey. The girl is sitting on one of the seats in the ship's storage compartment, staring into nothing. Her skin is paler than usual, horrified by her actions and haunted by the memories. Her right hand lies on her knee, palm facing the ceiling.

"What do we do?" Finn asks. 

"Try to talk to Rey. I'll see if I can snap Raven out of... whatever this is," he says. 

Finn nods and rises from his seat. He walks over to Rey, softly calling her name to get her attention. The girl's widened eyes shoot up. "Are you okay?" he asks her. 

Rey swallows thickly, shaking her head. "I don't know what's happening," she whispers. "I can't stop it, Finn." 

"What happened back there?" he asks her.

Rey rises to her feet and turns her back to him. She traces a finger over the wall in front of her, leaving a trace in the dust.

"I-I lost control," she whispers, horror lacing her words as she stares at her hand.

"It wasn't your fault," Finn offers.

"It was," Rey says, feeling tears prick her eyes as pictures of the exploding transport flash through her mind. She shuts her eyes tightly, shaking her head. Her hand balls into a tight fight before she lowers it.

"No, it was Ren. He made you do it," Finn states. Worry tightens his stomach into tight knots, shivering at the freezing tension within Ochi's ship.

Rey whips around, facing her friend with a dark look in her eyes. "Chewie's gone. That power came from me," she says. "Finn, there are things you don't know."

His eyes soften as he takes a small step toward her. "Then tell me." 

Rey's already pale face turns ghost white. "I... I had a vision," she whispers, shakily. "Of the throne of the Sith. And who was on it." 

"Ren?" Finn asks.

A single tear slips down Rey's face and she inhales sharply. "And me."

His jaw clenches shortly "Does Raven know?" he asks.

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