I Fear That it is Bird vs. Bird

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As she thought, Dark Shadow immediately lunged out from Tokoyami's body, charging straight for her. She quickly dodged right, rolling on the ground before popping back up to her feet. Present Mic was commentating over the battle loudly, but Mikutori zoned the fainter voice out, eyes and ears completely on Tokoyami and his Dark Shadow.

Dark Shadow lunged again, and this time Mikutori hopped to the left before throwing her stiff feather at Tokoyami's body, Dark Shadow moving to block it just like she hoped he would. At the same moment, Mikutori had the dormant two feathers that were still high in the air to come soaring down, one of them stabbing Tokoyami solidly in the upper arm.

A doppelgänger version of Tokoyami and Dark Shadow appeared in the middle of the ring, the fear-Dark Shadow practically engulfing the fear-Tokoyami, the latter screaming out. The real Tokoyami stood in shock, Dark Shadow watching as the fear-version of himself took over his host.

The crowd was audibly wondering what had happened, Aizawa lazily commentating about how Mikutori had touched Tokoyami with one of her feathers, causing him to hallucinate his biggest fears.

"Kumosora is able to telekinetically control the feathers from her head, and, when they come in contact with another person's skin, cause their greatest fears to manifest in a hallucination only the two of them can see," Aizawa mumbled from behind his bandages. "These hallucinations eventually fade, but usually leave the enemy in shock after involuntarily facing their fears."

The crowd gasped at this, many calling out in protest of such a quirk being accepted into U.A., especially on recommendation. A few words reached Mikutori's ears, things like 'villain' and 'evil quirk', obviously things she had heard in the past. Aizawa abruptly sat up in his chair, voice sharp.

"Kumosora is very intelligent and determined, and is at the top of her class, which is much more than I could say of any of you protesting against her being here. She has just as much a right to be here than any of you pro-heroes did, and is doing all she can to become an amazing hero instead of the villain you all play her to be. I would shut your mouths," Aizawa was quick to defend Mikutori throughout the rest of the fight.

Meanwhile, Mikutori moved again, trying to ignore the way Aizawa was defending her to the crowd, running towards the real Tokoyami, who was still staring in shock at his fear-self, who was now writhing on the ground, the fear-Dark Shadow engulfing him further. The real Dark Shadow had finally snapped out of it, noticing the quickly approaching Mikutori.

Dark Shadow lunged out at her, wrapping around her torso before throwing her away, Mikutori slamming back into the ground, air pushing out of her lungs.

Mikutori jumped back up, holding the right side of her ribs while placing her feet back into a defensive stance, placing the left side of her body closer to the enemy to protect her right side. Tokoyami had finally ripped the feather from his arm, but the hallucination of his fear was still there, drops of red blood flowing down his arm. He didn't know it, but it wouldn't be disappearing for probably another seven minutes, given how long he had left the sharp-ended feather embedded into his arm.

Dark Shadow attacked again, Mikutori dodging clumsily to the left. She started running at Tokoyami, zig zagging around to avoid Dark Shadow.

She finally reached the boy, punching him in the face. Her left fist landed, but Dark Shadow was back on her, clamping around her before roughly throwing her away to the side. It seemed that Dark Shadow was a sentient being, and Tokoyami being punched didn't affect his performance all that much. Tokoyami was still quite out of it at staring at his fear. Dark Shadow was doing all of the work at the moment.

Dark Shadow was not happy, and made it very clear when throwing her out of the ring.

She was thrown off to the right, leaving the ring before she could even do anything else. She landed on her right side, and she could feel the already-hurt ribs snap, her eyes snapping back to normal, her last remaining feather falling abruptly to the ground in the middle of the ring. She sucked in a breath, slouched over on the ground as Midnight announced Tokoyami's win. The bird-headed boy only turned around and walked silently back through the entrance tunnel, trying to ignore the way his fear-hallucination was following in front him like it was tethered to him, which, in a way, it was.

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