Byleth suddenly woke up and she felt a chill creep over her body. Ah I guess I'm still not adjusted to this place yet Byleth thought as she rose up from her bed and got dressed for the day and exited her room. Byleth noticed that it was still dark out, great she thought i'm going to be exhausted in the morning.
Byleth wandered around the monastery aimlessly in an attempt to familiarize herself with the place until she found herself in the same area where Byleth met with Rhea, this time she headed down the hall opposite to where the archbishop holds her meetings. She passed by her Father Jeralts room, Byleth considered waking him up but decided against it and continued her journey. Byleth eventually found herself in a massive library filled to the brim with different types of books.
"Can I help you" shouted a voice Byleth turned to face its owner and came face to face with an old man who was hunched over and cloaked.
Byleth realized how bad it might seem to him some random person just showing up in your library but before she could get a word in a voice came from a corner where she saw a green haired man half asleep "Oh stop it Thomas'' he said "this is exactly why no one is visiting here anymore" He then directed his attention towards Byleth "You're that new student right? The imperial Princess told us about you, I'm Linhardt by the way" he said,"now if you don't mind can you go? Thomas won't shut up until you do and I'm trying to nap". Byleth nodded and left the library, she made a mental note to avoid it for now on at all costs.
The sun was finally starting to rise and with it so were many of the students at Garreg Mach. Byleth went outside to the area nearby the classes, there was a nice chill to the air Byleth enjoyed it wondering how much longer that chill would remain for especially since the Great Tree Moon was drawing closer to an end. Byleth's attention was brought back when she felt a hole being stared into her, she turned to see that the person staring was a tan red-headed girl, she was glaring daggers at Byleth, after what felt like an eternity the girl finally approached Byleth and started on how she was her Father's prodigy and how Byleth didn't appreciate Jeralt like she did. That remark greatly irritated Byleth so she made it known to the girl that if she was Jeralt's prodigy like she had claimed he would have at least mentioned her name once. And oh boy did that shut her up, she quietly muttered her name which was Leonie and vowed to prove herself more skilled than Byleth before retreating in defeat to the Golden Deer House.
After that ordeal with Leonie, Byleth decided that it was best to get to class early, to her surprise someone else had already beaten her to arriving first. Annette sat on the left side of the room in the third row, she was hunched over a magic book Byleth greeted her but to no avail whatever Annette was reading was far more captivating. Byleth shrugged and took a seat on the right side of the class in the front row. slowly but gradually the class room began to fill in. Dimitri took the seat to the left of Byleth's and Felix took the one on the right side, they proceeded to tell her it was for her own protection as a disappointed Sylvain entered the class.
"Aww I guess all the good seats are taken" he said as he took the final seat on the first row at Felix's side. The class was waiting in suspense for the arrival of their new teacher, who's identity had yet to be confirmed. Eventually a tall masked man with long light brown hair tied in the back entered the room, He introduced himself as Professor Jeritza. Jeritza emphasized to the class that in fact professor Manuela's gossip had been correct that the knights would pass around the duty of being a professor. The class day was spent with Jeritza going over what skills they would emphasize their training on. Byleth thought about it for a bit, She had never really thought much about any other weapons aside from a sword, not that she didn't know how to use them. Byleth had just concluded that a blade fit her much better than any other could be. However she couldn't help but feel a bit drawn towards learning magic, she had often seen mages wield it and it had always intrigued her but it had never dawned on her that she could learn it. When Jeritza called on Byleth to choose her skills, she decided to stay with a sword but also practice dark magic.
"All you need is a blade, all other methods are useless" Felix scoffed.
"Felix" Dimitri said in a warning tone. Byleth just shrugged her mind was already set.
As the class day drew to an end Jeritza informed the class that a mock battle would soon be upon them on the last day of the Great Tree Moon, Jeritza proceeded to tell them since he wasn't their official professor that he wasn't going to participate so instead they would all be students fighting. After a bit of a debate it was decided that Annette, Ashe, Byleth, Dimitri,and Felix would be the five students to represent the Blue Lion house.
The class was quickly concluded after that, "Hey Byleth '' said Annette cheerfully "I heard that you are wanting to learn magic? If so I am going to practice my magic with a few other students, would you like to join us?" Annette asked.
This caught Byleth a bit off guard, that another student wanted for her to join them. "Of course" Byleth said "I would love to".
"Great" Annette enthused then linked arms with Byleth and led her to an area with three other students. Byleth recognized Linhardt and Mercedes but the third student she hadn't met yet. She had white puffy hair and big pink eyes, she also looked a bit younger than the other students. " Oh let me introduce you" Annette said to Byleth " Hey you guys! This is Byleth she is going to train with us in magic" She turned to Byleth once again "This is Linhardt and Lysithea, they are from the other classes''.
"We've met already, Nice to see you again though" Linhardt said.
"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance'' Lysithea said to Byleth. After the formalities they jumped right into their training.
"Hmm I can't say I've seen someone struggle so much with producing a fireball" Linhardt laughed.
"Oh stop it Linhardt It's not easy for everyone like it is for you" Annette rebutted, she turned to Byleth and said "Magic takes lots of time and practice to get the hang of, there is no need to get discouraged".
Byleth thanked her for her words, and Lysithea chipped in "It's possible it might help to start with light magic before you make your way into dark magic that way you can have a foundation to start with".
Mercedes came to Byleth "This is where I can help" she said with a friendly smile, "You'll get the hang of this in no time". A few hours passed before the five of them split ways, Byleth felt accomplished after Lysithea's advice had worked. It wasn't much but she had finally learned how to use heal. This should come in handy during the mock battle she thought as she made her way to the dinning hall.
After a few minutes Byleth received her food and a schedule for her own turn doing the cooking in the dining hall. Byleth was making her way to eat with Dimitri and Dedue when she heard a familiar voice call out to her.
"Hey Byleth'' She turned to see Claude sitting at a table with a woman with big pink eyes and pink hair that was split into two long ponytails, "Come join us" Claude said beckoning to an empty seat with them. Byleth complied and sat with the duo, "This is Hilda '' Claude said gesturing to the woman next to him.
"Claude mentioned that you saved him and the other two house leaders is that true?!" Hilda asked wide eyed, Byleth nodded "Wow! you must be super strong, I could never do something like that just look at these noodle arms'' She raised her arms "Say Byleth, how would you like to help me move some heavy furniture?" Hilda said.
"Don't fall for it, Byleth" Claude warned "you'll be doing her chores for the rest of her life if you do". Hilda pouted at that remark, The chatter between the three of them continued on for a while until Hilda finally managed to secure Byleth's assistance and somehow she even managed to rope Claude's help as well.
Byleth Finally managed to escape from Hilda's room, after what felt like hours of manual labor.
Byleth was making her way towards her room when she felt someone crash into her "Ah I'm so sorry" shouted a short woman with big gray eyes and messy purple hair "Oh you've done it now Bernie" the girl mumbled and started going on how they are each others nemesis now.
Byleth took that as her que to leave and made her way back to her room, where she laid down and fell into a deep slumber almost immediately.

Emerald Rain
FanfictionEver wonder how the events in Fire Emblems Three Houses would have unfolded if Byleth had never been offered a position as a professor? Wonder no more, sit back relax and see how Byleth's story unfolds as she faces the growing moral dilemmas that sh...