Great Tree Moon:

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Right after the Imperial forces were defeated by the joint efforts of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance, Byleth was forced to go and join Claude to play politics.

She was a bit concerned in all honesty with how things would go once they meet with the five heads of the main houses in the Alliance, since Byleth was going in with the impression that these were a group of opportunistic people, based off of how both Claude and Lorenz had described them.

So, Byleth had gone into the meeting expecting the worst to come. However, that never happened. Byleth and Claude were meet with a surprisingly large amount of support from Houses; Edmund, Goneril, and Ordelia. House Gloucester seemed to be happy as well with things, but they weren't exactly given much of a choice in the matter, Lorenz had explained that thoroughly to his Father. Once Byleth and Claude laid out the plan to them they were all more than happy to comply with them, by sending them the resources and troops they would need, as well as utilizing the Alliance wartime funding.

To summarize, it was a complete success.

After the meeting with the heads of the Alliance Byleth and Claude went to visit Riegan territory.

"I can't believe things went by as smoothly as they did" Claude said happily, "I was expecting at least a bit of apprehension, but... No" he said, "They really believe we can do this" he added.

Byleth nodded, "I know, I was mentally preparing myself the whole was here for there to be strife between us and them" she said, "And that we would have to convince them" she added, then paused for a moment "Though I suppose us conquering the Great Bridge of Myrddin was all the proof they needed" Byleth said.

Claude laughed, "Who knew all it would take to finally get the Alliance on the same page is by having to beat the hell out of the Empire" he said, "If that were the case then we could have done something about it way sooner" he added.

"Is that you, kiddo?" A voice called out; Claude froze then turned around.

"I have returned, Nardel" Claude said, there was something about his tone that he was using it sounded a bit off.

The man, Nardel looked confused for a moment then a flash of realization fell over his face, "Oh, ah Master Claude. It's you. I mistook you for one of the local children. My apologies" Nardel said.

Claude smiled at the man, "It seems you have adjusted to your work here. Our recent strategy was successful, thanks to you" he said.

"I was a bit concerned when House Goneril's army intervened from the East" Nardel said.

Claude shook his head, "Count Gloucester must have requested reinforcements from them" he sighed.

Nardel nodded, "Yes, and they have that young general who won acclaim from his battles in Almyra..." he said, "Regardless, they showed no signs of seriously wishing to attack us, and merely fulfilled their obligation to House Gloucester" he added then paused for a moment to look at Byleth. "Now then... who is this lovely lady?" Nardel asked.

"This is my friend, who I had join me at the round-table conference" Claude said, then turned to Byleth "Byleth, this is Nardel, that retainer Judith was talking about" he added.

Byleth nodded, "Nice to meet you" she said with a slight bow.

Nardel laughed a little, "Hm, how polite. I've heard good things about you from Master Claude" he said.

"As you can see, he wasn't born in Fodlan. Still, trust me when I say he is highly capable" Claude said.

Nardel nodded, "True. In fact, my capability is my only redeeming quality" he said with a laugh "I hope you'll continue to look after Master Claude, Byleth" he added.

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